Kenneth Dirty Imagine

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DON'T FORGET HYVIN TO ADD THE OUTFITS (A/N omg I hate doing this but I need to do more than just preferences don't judge me if its bad im not that good at this stuff lol)

So theres this boy at my school his name is Kenneth San Jose he is soooo hot, nice, sweet and funny ugh he is literally my dream boy. So tonight theres a party at his house and he invited my best friend Gabi and I im a little nervous but Gabi said im to much of a "goodie goodie" and that I should go
Gabi: So what are you wearing tonight?
Y/N: idk probably something simple but not to simple
Gabi: yea well im gonna go home and pic out my outfit I'll pick you up at 9:30
Y/N: Alright
So I have an hour and 30 mins to get myself together so I hopped in the shower and did all that stuff so I went to pick out my outfit I picked out a Calvin Klein bra with ripped blue jeans and a silver body chain and somw combat boots with 3 inch heels I sat on the couch and waited for Gabi to come
<< 10 mins later>>
When we arrived there were drunk teens everywhere dancing and grinding on each other ugh
Y/N: Ugh this is disgusting I have to go
Gabi: *grabs you* chill out just have some fun and lighten up if you make it through this party you won't have to go to any more parties if you don't want to
Y/N: fine
So im in the kitchen feeling awkward as hell thats when I feel arms around me I turn around really quickly to see it was Ken I immediately get nervous and start blushing
Ken: Hey
Y/N: *nervously* Hi
Ken: Why aren't you enjoying the party
Y/N: This is way out of my comfort zone but Gabi said to lighten up and have some fun
Ken: *smirks* Right some fun are you down for any kind of fun?
Y/N: *hesitating* sure
Next thing I know Ken grabs my hands holy shit Kenneth San Jose is holding my hand and then he took me to his room and locks the door and he took off his shirt
Y/N: *stuttering* What are you doing?
Ken: You said you wanted to have fun right?
He slowly leans in and kisses me omg he is such a great kisser he put his hands on my below my belly button and tries to take my pants off thats when I stopped his hands bc I was so nervous
Ken: *confused* What, you're nervous aren't you?
Y/N: *nods*
Ken: *whispers and kisses your ear* I'll be gentle
Authors POV (this will be a little easier in this POV) As Ken took off your pants he starts kissing your neck you kind of giggled bc it tickled a little and you feel a tingle down your spine as he starts kissing your chest he gets to your belly button and lays you back he kisses your inner thigh and gets closer to your vagina and he starts eating you out you moan and orgasm (are those synonyms?) In pleasure he travels back to you lips he takes his boxers off and slides into you at first it was one of the worst pains you ever felt thats when he starts going deeper and faster and it was the best feeling you ever had the noise of his moans made you want him even more <<20 mins>> you're a screaming and moaning mess
Y/N: *moaning and stuttering* omg Ken im gonna cum
Ken:*goes faster*
Y/N: *cums* omg stop
Ken: *goes slower*
Ken collapses beside you both of you out of breath

Hi guys don't judge me if this is cringey or whatever im not advanced in this sex stuff it was sooo awkard making this but whatever

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