How You Guys Met

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Sean: You and Sean met at Starbucks Sean was waiting to get his drink and you were walking looking down at your phone not paying attention to where you were going and Sean turned around and spilled most of his drink on you he helped you clean most of it up he took you to his house too wash your shirt for you and you had to leave then he asked for your number and you guys talked for a few months and the rest is history

Gabe: It was the first day back at dance from a 8 week break and you were the new girl your dance teacher introduced you and Gabe and soon you guys became dance partners and for the both of you it was like love at first sight and later on Gabe expressed his love for you and you guys started dating

Josh: So your friends were looking for you a boyfriend and they knew the perfect guy for you he was cute, charming, kind, loving and every other thing you wanted in a boyfriend you guys just talked for 5 months before you guys started dating you wanted to make sure he was the right guy and he was

Will: One day you were taking your dog (a Golden Retriever puppy) for a day in the dog park you were on the bench scrolling threw Instagram and you saw a boy and his dog ( a Labrador puppy) playing with your dog so you went up to them and said hi and a rew weeks later you guys would go to each others house so the dogs can play and for you guys to get to know each other better and after Will found out more about you he started to like you even more and about a few months later he asked you to be his girlfriend and you said yes

Ken: You took your 9 yr old sister to the park one day and she saw one of her friends from school and wanted to have a playdate at his house but you insisted that he ask he mom first but he said that his mom was at work but you ask his (lets pretend that Ken has a little brother) brother when he took you to his brother he was the hottest boy you ever saw while they played you and ken got to know each other you guys would talk all the time for months by the time around your bday he got you a promise ring and a love letter confessing his love for you and the next day you saw that he had the same ring as you and he asked to be your boyfriend and you were more than happy to say yes

Ho guys sorry for taking soooo damn long to update I was on vacation and I had a REALLY REALLY REALLY BAD pain in my elbow like literally I couldn't move my arm but its better now but if I bend my arm for a long time it hurts but I might go to the hospital idk yet but hope you enjoyed this but my Cute Dolphins 😍🐬

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