He's Dropping Out Of School Cause He Don't Need The Grades

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guess who's back and better than ever? not tehya. jk it's me :). it's been a while since I've published anything. I've had writers block buiuuuuuuuuut this is a new book (obviously) I'm very very very excited about this one. hopefully it doesn't turn out to be trash. and I'll probably update my one shot book, but the updates will be v v slow. aaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway. enjoy the first chapter of Try Hard. k thanks bye ♡
the train and penguin in this fic are up top btw.


Calum Hood. Calum Hood, Calum Hood, Calum Hood, Calum Hood, Calum Hood. The only thing that went through everyone's minds, all day long, was 'Calum Hood.' You can't help it. The high schoolers at Seaman High couldn't, no one could!

Calum Hood could grab your attention without even trying to. Running his hands through that dark brown hair, absentmindedly making you want him. Occasionally wearing snapbacks or beanies, throwing off your whole day because that's all you can think about. Even walking past him, the smell of his cologne being the only thing you can smell or think about for the rest of the day.

Though Calum Hood was the captain of the football team; a jock, an obvious fuckboy, and a complete douche all around, you couldn't help but be attracted to him in someway shape or form. Most guys had things for him, every girl in the school adored him. Most girls have slept with him and probably a couple of guys too. Calum doesn't have to try hard at all, oh, but that will change.

Luke Hemmings: the school 'nerd' or 'geek' or any other name that fits into the category of 'loser.' At least that's how everyone sees him. At school most people see Luke as an innocent boy who doesn't know how to dress, act, talk, or socialize with human beings at all. But there is a side to Luke that nobody has seen, and no one knows about.

Luke Hemmings is the guy you come to if you're struggling in math or history or chemistry or any subject, really. No one comes to Luke just to hang out, or to talk about guys or girls, or to invite him to a party, or a gig at a pub. Luke Hemmings is seen as nothing more than the loser of the school. He also complete and utterly despises Calum Thomas Hood.

Luke is a senior, along with Calum Hood, Luke lives on the end of a suburban block, along with Calum Hood, Luke's parents are apart of the PTA at Seaman High, along with Calum Hood's. Luke school schedule is identical to Calum's. Luke likes to study and do his homework on school nights, Calum likes to throw huge parties and drink on school nights. Calum and Luke's parents are great friends. There
is no escaping him.

Everywhere Luke is, Calum is, spreading his douche cologne, wearing his douche snapbacks, hanging out with his douche friends, being the douchiest douche there ever was. Luke cannot stand it.


It's a beautiful day in Sydney, Australia. The sun is out, the temperature is just right, there are no clouds in the sky. Luke thinks today is gonna be a great day, he'll ace his math and chemistry test, he'll eat the delicious turkey sandwich he made for himself at lunch, and he might even get ignored in the hallways instead of pushed to the ground as always.

Luke feels pretty good about today. The blue-eyed boy walks out of his house on his way to school, then he sees him. Calum Hood, standing on his front lawn, enjoying the beautiful day as Luke was planning to.

'Why is he even out? He never walks to school.' Luke thinks to himself.

The blonde decides to keep walking and just ignore Calum. He puts his headphones in, playing Asthenia by Blink 182, and continues to walk down the sidewalk. He awkwardly pasts Calum Hood, not surprised when the older boy doesn't say a word to him.


Luke makes his way to school and keeps his head down in the halls, making his way to his first class of the day, math. The math teacher calls for attendance and Calum Hood isn't here on time, once again.

Calum usually gets here sometime between third and fourth period, but when it was fifth period and he still wasn't there, everyone in the school was confused and worried. It was game day and Calum can't play unless he's at school for at least four periods. Even the teachers were thrown off.

Luke, on the other hand, could care less. Actually Luke was glad Calum wasn't here, it kept the attention away from him in the halls and in the classrooms. Plus he doesn't have to see his stupid face for the whole day.


At lunch, Luke was enjoying his turkey sandwich, when he noticed a group of people gossiping rather loud. Luke heard Calum's name a few times and decided to ignore whatever it was about.

Michael Clifford, the closest thing Luke had to a friend, walks over and sits across from the blonde. He leans towards Luke.

"Have you heard what they're talking about over there?" The blue haired boy turns and points to the group gossiping.

"If it has to do with Calum then I don't want to know." Luke instantly replies.

"Oh trust me, you wanna hear this." Michael starts. "Calum is dropping out of school"

Luke chokes on his sandwich. "Really? Thank god! I can actually enjoy a year of high school now that he's gone."

"Yeah...everyone is so surprised because he was doing so good in football he was sure to get a full ride to a great college." Michael continues. "He was telling everyone that he doesn't need the grades because he's gonna be a huge rock star or something."

The blonde boy stays quiet at that. Luke just found something that Calum Hood and him have in common.


thanks if you read this far :)  gotta blast     see ya next time !! <3

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