"A Change Of Minds"

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The place was exactly empty as he said it would be. It was only us. Qwebard's team and mine. His team grew even more than what I have imagined. I think I underestimated him too much. "War is not won in numbers." Zion said trying to make me calm. I nodded. I dont know what Im feeling right now. Afraid or excited? Vefrel had asked me numerous times to reconsider. Will he or I fight Qwebard? I told him no. I'll be the one to fight him.

Normally people like that shouldnt be trusted because he or she might abandon your teammates and move to his desire. I told him to be obedient and follow.. He didnt say anything. I told Zion to try and keep and eye on him, but thats only if he can. In a war you need full concentration. Just one look away could cause your life.

"QWEBARD!" I shouted to the top of my lungs. His more than ten kilometers away or more than fifteen. "Peter Wiht! Im glad you accepted my invitation!" "Im glad you came!" "Im invited to the party!" "Of course!" Im annoyed by how happy he looks. Its as if his fighting a kid whose punch is nothing. That kid's gone Qwebard Vilenight. Today is a different kid you remember and you'll regret ever making him live.

It took an hour of standby before one side could move. I dont intend to move before the enemy. I always tend to move last. As soon as Qwebard's side moved I ordered mine. Lio's staying to guard and to shoot from far. I really hate that Jay Solt is here. I was hoping that Qwebard wouldnt find him or even once thought of him. "Lio, dont move from where you are unless you think you're being targeted." "Can I at least shoot him?" "If you can follow and Lio eyes arent the only one that can see." Im sure he'll find out what I meant.

This is like man to man battle and its what I intend it to be, but first we have to take the others out before the second line. "Keith cover Ren." "Lio shoot!" "I am!" This is bad. I cant see. I cant read all of them. They're too many. My mind's been spinning since I've started running. Khate immediately went near me. "Take a breather. I'll cover you." "One minute." Breath in breath out, inhale exhale. "Thanks." She smiled and moved back to her position.

A war without the government. A war involving students and trainers. I cant believe this is happening. I made this happen then this feeling isnt fear nor excitement, its gratitude. Im thankful they're all here. Thankful that they're supporting a low life such as myself. Thankful that they havent left me alone. Thankful that they gave me strength enough to defeat my enemies and protect my friends and family.

Zion versus Jay, Ren versus Heil, Khate versus Staphine, Keith versus Lucost, Ms. Hange versus Juily, Ze've versus Weine, Scarlet versus Astro; Astro is a woman who was highly appriciated but that ended when she killed the members of the government. By members I meant all of them. Zion seems to be having a hard time with Jay but I had Lio support him from behind. Ren's weapong is a rifle and Heil's is a handgun. They battled ruthlessly. Even Heil's bullets goes to their alies. Ren is trying to dodge all his attacks and shooting back. This process is going on and on all over again.

Khate seems to be fine. She's not having a hard time but she's not having a good time either. Keith looks really bad, but Ms. Hange seems to be enjoying her hunting. I have to focus to mine. He still so far and everytime I try to go near he disappears from the crowd. His scared! He doesnt want to come. If this is some kind of technique I have to be careful, but if its not then I just have to come right at him.

"Its been long since I saw you in your fight form." He didnt reply. His thinking of his way out. "I started to run towards him shooting each part of his body, but his blocking while shooting back. Was this a plan or his insticts are kicking in? "QWEBARD!!" My body's moving in a way it shouldnt. Defeating everyone in my way to go nearer and nearer. This isnt me anymore. Im not the one controlling my body. Its almost as if someone is inside. Vefrel!

Stop! Not now. You cant charge on him! You'll die! You'll kill me! Wait...how did he even control me. "Its no use Peter. You cant get out of this." "How!? How did you do this!?" "Remember the tea I let you drink last night. It had a chip." "Vefrel!!" I cant believe his done this. This wasnt suppose to be done. Im hopeless, I cant do anything the way I am right now. I cant go back. Khate..


I have to go back up. If Vefrel's in my body then I can go to his. I closed my eyes to concentrate. I have to find his body in my own mind. Where are you? Where are you? Vefrel!

As I opened back my eyes I can see everyone's movement. I can hear voices. There's someone shouting at me. "Move! Vefrel! Fight!" Zion? Zion!
I turned my head towards him. Theres an expression pointing at me that I dont know. I immediately looked away. I have to look for myself....
His fighting Qwebard. Vefrel's actually winning. His overpowering Qwebard, but using my body for that can cost me a lot. I ran to him. His body's heavy. Too heavy. "AHHHHHH!" I shout while running towards him. It'll be very confusing for the others if I shout Vefrel. I tackled him around and pushed him as far as I could take him. Zion tried to stop me but the enemy kept coming towards his direction. If he leaves now it will indanger the others.

"Vefrel! Change it back, Now!" "Peter? How did you--?" "I found it; your body." "I have to do it. I need to be the one to kill him, but I realized that I cant without you." "Me? Too bad Vefrel, you're not me!" "But I can change you and turn you into a much better person." "Much better? Why do I have a feeling you're gonna make it worse?" "You just dont trust me." "I trusted you. Its you who broke that trust." He looked confused and I sighed. I cant believe he cant figure out something that easy. "Vefrel, didnt you want to kill him? Didnt you want to destroy him yourself?" "Of course I do." "Just tell me one thing before I let you go." "What is it?" "Will I be able to return back to my body?" "Of course you will! This chip isnt actually metalic its like a food. Once its been put down its over." "Fine then. Vefrel Vilenight killed Qwebard Vilenight." I ran back to him. Qwebard Vilenight is right before my own eyes. "Long time little brother." I charged onto him. Punched his face, kicked his body, turned over his legs, destroyed his mind. I made him pay, but this isnt ny ways, this is Vefrel's." After I put him down I faced back to myself. He looked taken. Unbelievable is in his mind. I smiled at him and mouthed:
"This is all your fault."

After such time I closed back my eyes and fell into the ground. All I want is to go back to my own body. All I need is to be me. I need to be by her side.

Khate Wes, you are mine and mine alone. I will never leave you. I will always be with you.

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