2 Minutes

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   To hear the doorbell ring at 3am when you are home alone is never a good thing. Trust me, I know. 

   I climb down the stairs that lead to my room in the attice and made my way to the front door. Multiple scenarios where running thriugh my head right now. There could be a killer at my door and I am about to answer it, then he will kidnap and kill me. But it could also be so important that this person could not wait until morning to tell me. 

   I look through the window that faced the front yard. I see red and blue flashing lights. I small gasp excaped my trembling lips. I could not of done something illegal... well I use my friends netflix account, the the police can not arrest me for that... right? 

  The sound of the doorbell went off along with the person pounding on the door. "Open this door NOW!" It sounded like a mans voice.I walked over to the door and opened it. "Braelyn Ward?' He questioned. I nodded to nevous to anwer. He was tall with broad sholders. It was hard to see any features because it was so dark out. "May I come in?" I stepped aside letting him walk past me into the the living room. 

  "Would you like anything to eat or drink?" Even though I was scarded out of my mind I was still polite. He shook his head and continued to talk.

   "My name is Officer Pete and I have some very depressing news for you." I took a seat on the leather couch, Officer Pete coppying my actions. "I have reported that a terrible car accendent happened in Northern Jersey last night at exactly 10:35pm. The car was toteled and inside the car there were three bodies that were identified as Christine, Rob and Dylan Kahovec." tears were escaping my eyes. This could not be happening, not to me at least. My own mother, step father and little brother, all died. 

    Why me though? that was my only question. I mean I was a good kid. I had exclent grades and I was even taking senior classes as a junior. I was on a travel softball team, heck I even had colleges looking at me already.  

   Officer Pete stayed for a little while longer explaining everything that will happen to me. I knew my sister could not take me in because she was a full time college student in Ohio and my biological father was out of the question too. I litterally had no one. He said that I could go into a foster system but that was the best he could do. I could not be adopted because I was to old and not many people want to adopt a 16 year old girl. Being in a foster system was my only option. Moving from house to house, family to  family, having no one who will truly care and love me anymore. No one to call my family. It was just me, myself, and I. Child custidy will be here tomorrow afternoon to pick me up to take me somewhere unknown. I guess it was time to start packing because there was no way i could go back to sleep now.

      Its amazing how it only takes two minutes to change a persons life, or in this case mine. 


hey guys. so this is my first fanfic and I am really nervous to write this.. but hey what is the worst thing that could happen, I don't get reads. But if anyone does decide to read this please give me feedback I would love to hear what you guys have to say. I will post the official first chapter tomorrow and yeah. Hope you like it!!!

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