Chapter 4

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Chapter 4



He couldn't of have

   My jaw dropped to the ground in disbelief. She has been wondering around the city for almost 4 hours all alone. I've only had her for one day, one fucking day, and she is already missing. Good job Louis. I deserve a pat on the back for this.

  "Louis I am sorry I didn't know." Harry was begging for my forgiveness. He ran his fingers through his curly hair in frustration.

  "We have to go find her." Liam stated out of nowhere. Everyone was gathered around me. "Me, Zayn, and Niall will take one car while you and Harry take another." Liam suggested. That was a brilliant idea!

   Harry and I were in my black escalade to look at streets 50-100. Liam, Niall, and Zayn were in Zayn's sliver C50 taking on streets 1-50.

   I told them to took for a young girl with red hair and piercing in her ear. Unfortunately I did not have a picture of Braelyn, hopefully my description did the job though.

Braelyns POV


  That's how I feel right now. I have been walking around the city for hours now with out a phone. People were giving me creepy looks all night. It's like they never saw a 16 year old walking around NYC at 11:00 at night.

   All of the stores are closed. Nothing is scarier then walking on an empty street with no light or someone to accompany you.

  Bright lights from a car drove past me. I swear I saw that car times already. I'm just freaking myself out. No one is following me, I am just going insane. Yeah that's it! I'm insane. This whole situation is insane. My life is insane! Why can't I go back to last week? That is when I still had a life. I went out on the weekends, partying with friends. I had parents and a brother who loved me even though I could be a complete jerk to them, especially on that time of month. I admit I get really pissy when my monthly cycle comes. My softball life is over too. No more waking up before dawn to go to a tournament. No more hours of hard work and training to become better because that life is in the past. Now it is this week. I have no family, heck my own sister didn't even want me. I am living with a world famous pop star and his band mates who I am almost positive hates me. I am lost in New York City at midnight with out a phone. Yeah my life is completely and utterly insane.

  I let out a small, much needed giggle. It's amazing how much my life changed in just two minutes.

   I walk on 37th street. Again I was all alone except that one silver truck that I saw for the fifth time tonight. This time it stopped right in front of me. I speed up my past to walk past the truck into an alleyway. Okay Brae you're stupid. Going into an alleyway, nothing good comes from that.

 "Hey wait up!" A deep voice yelled after me. My brain is tellingly to run but my body is telling me otherwise. Come on feet move it's not that hard. Left right left right see it is simple as that. "Braelyn?" The deep voice spoke again. He said my name like it was a question. Did he notice me from the news? Does he want my autograph so he can tell his friends that me meet the girl who lost their family?

My question was answered when the mystery man indulges me into a hug. A tight one I might add. "C-can't breath." I stuttered still shaken up. I never meet this man before or so I think I never did.

"Oh sorry, I thought we were never going to find you." Um who is this guy and why was he looking for me? This night can not get anymore freakier. He let me out of his hold and motioned for me to follow him back to the truck. "I'm Liam by the way." That makes more sense. Liam was the guy in One Direction that I always mistaken as Louis. I thought he had long curly hair, not a buzz cut? In the truck were two other guys who I recognized from the band. Don't ask me their names because I have no clue. I know that one of them is Sottish or German,,, right? 

  Liam opened the back door for me. The only other person sitting in the back was the blond haired one. I climbed in, which was harder then it looked. I had to jump two feet to get into the truck. Liam closed the door before getting in the drivers seat. "Can you call Louis?" He asked the person in the passengers seat. The guys nods his head taking out his phone. 

   "You can move closer ya'know." He motioned his hand for me to scoot closer to him. I obliged, pushing myself closer to the middle. "I'm Niall by the way." I gave Niall a slight smile. 

"Yeah we have her." Zayn said. "mmhmm, Don't let Harry beat himself up" Um yeah let Harry beat himself up. He is the one that caused all of this. We are not going to get along after this. I do not care how sorry he feels about kicking me out only to wonder the streets of the city for hours after dark where I could of gotten killed or kidnapped. This is all his freaking fault and I will never forgive him for it. "Sure thing, on our way now." Zayn concluded his phone call with Louis. 

   "So Braelyn tell us about yourself." Liam spoke. He seamed nice, I just did not feel like talking anymore. I had a long day from leaving my hometown to getting lost in NYC. I think it was safe to say that I was officially done with today. Maybe I will try and talk to them tomorrow... maybe. "Or just ignore me." he side commented after five minutes of me not answering him. 





 "Braelyn, Braelynnnn" someone whispered in my ear. "Brae Brae." That was a new nickname. Never gotten that one before. 

  "What?" I croaked. Lifting my head up to see Niall smiling down at me. I rolled my eyes at him and placed my head back down on his shoulders. 

  "Nice try Princess but time to get up." I groaned before opening back up my eyes. We were still in the truck. The door by Niall was open. Standing outside was Louis with his arms folding with Harry by his side. They seamed like they were having a deep discussion and Harry looked distraught. Good he deserved it. "Lets go." Niall held his hand open, helping me step down from the massive trunk. Being the klutz that I am and still being asleep, I tripped and fell into someones arm. AWKWARD! Way to go Braelyn. Times like this where I hated my clumsy nature.  

   "I am so sorry for earlier I just-" Harry still had his arms wrapped around me from my clumsy incident. 

 "Fuck off.' I told him flatly before pushing myself out of his arms and walking onto the bus. Everyone stared at me with wide eyes. I do not blame them, that was the first time I ever said that to anyone. I hated cursing. It was unattractive and did not show any intelligence what so ever. I plopped down on the first couch I see, not knowing if I even had a bed to sleep on. I feel asleep almost instantly.

  Watch out Harry. I am about to make your life miserable.


YAY!! New chapter! 

HAPPY COLUMBUS DAY!! So happy I did not have school today, but now I have to start my homework and study for my classes. Hope you guys liked the update. 

See ya later alligator!

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