Chapter 5

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   "BRAELYN WAKY BAKY EGGS AND BACY!" Someone shouts. I open my eyes to the light squinting. Ugg mornings. They always suck. Sleeping on a hard couch is never the right thing to do, especially on a bus. Someone placed a fuzzy blanket on my while I was sleeping. The other boys were up and ready, Niall was In the kitchen cooking, Louis and Zayn were looking through their suitcases still in their PJ's. I do not care what Harry was doing and Liam was eating what looked like eggs.

  I rub my eyes noticing that I did not take out my contacts. Whoops. I blame Harry for that. He is on my most hated list. Yes I have on and Harry styles makes number one.

  "Morning Brae," Louis greats me with a hug. I hesitated at first but then I put my arms around his waist. He seamed happy about that. I don't know why I mean I'm nothing special. If anything I should be the one jumping for joy that I am hugging the Louis Tomlinson. "What do you want for breakfast?" He asked. Louis finally drops his arms and moves to the mini fridge.

  "Um I normally do not eat breakfast." I mumbled. No, I never eat breakfast. It's not because I want to starve myself it's because I don't have time in the morning to eat or when I do eat I get sick. What I usually do is brig a granola bar to school to munch on when I get hungry then when I get home I make myself a salad with ranch dressing. Ranch dressing is heaven. It is the only dressing I eat and you can put ranch on anything and it only improves the taste. What can I say, I am one of the pickiest eaters you will ever meet.

  "Fine be that way. Now you can't have these amazingly delicious pancakes that I made." He waved the pancakes in my face for a few seconds before setting the plate down on the table. "You know Brae, no one can pass up my pancakes." He said with a smirk.

   "It's true Brae Brae no one can." I looked at Niall with disgust on my face. He was shoving two of his thousand pancakes in his mouth.

  "Brae Brae?" I sorta remember him calling me that last night when I fell asleep in the car.  That nickname was awkward. I could deal when people call me Brae, but not Brae Brae. Nope, I'm not having it. That nickname can go drown itself.

   "I could call you Bra if you prefer." The bus was filled with laughter while I gave Niall the death stare.

  "Oh like I never got that one before." I rolled my eyes at Nialls attempt to be funny.

  "Get it because the first letters of Braelyns name is B-R-A, so we child call you Bra." I started to giggle at his stupidity while the rest of the guys were in a fit of laughter. It was until Harry stepped out of the bathroom. He was wearing black skinny jeans that are tighter then my leggings and a Rolling Stones shirt with his curly hair pushed back in a bandana.

   Louis hands him a plate of pancakes before he goes to sit next to me at the table. Yay me!

  I frown as soon as he sits. His presence alone is pissing me off. I know he didn't throw me out on purpose but still, I was lost in the city for hours all because he did not let me explain the situation. He tries to smile at me but all I do is roll my eyes and get up to get away from him. 

  "Braelyn wait." Harry grabs the same wrist he left bruises on yesterday, I do not get how on earth Louis was OK with the fact that Harry had hurt me. It's whatever now besides it was the past. I flinch away from Harry, holding my wrist close to me. All that was written on Harry's face was concern. Oh so now he cares if he hurts me? Go shove it up your ass Harry. Maybe someone up their will care. "Braelyn please talk to me," he begs. He could be on his knee begging and I would still be pissed at him .

 "No." I stated not in the mood for his crap. This is only my second day living with One Direction and I  already want smash Harry's head like it was a softball. Oh, that sounds a little to harsh. Still you get my point. 

  "Come on Brae, I'm sorry I did not mean anything that happened last night." His eyes looks shiny, like he is about to cry. He can't be that upset over last night, can he?

 "One, You DO NOT call me Brae. Brae a name that only people I like can use, and two, you kicked me out of the bus only to walk around New York City alone! Without a phone or any clue as to where I was going, right after my family died on me!" No tears were coming, I was happy for that. All of the boys were staring at us, jaws to the ground and eyes popping out of their sockets. That was one of the first times that I ever flipped out on someone like that. Let me tell you, I hated this feeling. I feel guilty for yelling at Harry like that, but he deserved it. Right? 

   "I am sorry Braelyn. Let me know what I can do to make it up to you when you want to talk." With that he walked off the bus and onto the streets of Chicago. 

  "UGH!" I groaned sitting on the floor, putting my head in my hands. I hate it here. I absolutely hate it! I want to go home. I want my life back to normal though it can't. I'm stuck. I am stuck in reality.

  I felt arms wrap around me. It was Louis. "Harry is just being a dick. He has been going through a tough time with everything so please do not be so hard on the lad." I stay still not daring to move. "Think about forgiving him. He is betting himself up over the accident." I scoff at his statement. 

   "I want to go back to last week." My mouth speaks before my brain could catch up. "Life was so easy. I woke up went to school to hang out with my friends, and to learn of course." A small smile was placed on my face. "I had straight A's. My class rank was 54 out of 600 students." Louis mouth hung open. I guess he was not expecting that. "I had my whole life planed out. I was going to Seton Hall university for two years then transferring down to the University of Florida for my last two years to study physical therapy. I even had collage scouts looking at me for softball. Now I have nothing." The tears were steaming down my face. I could not do it anymore. 

  "Hey, You have me, and all the other boys. We will always be here for you. I promise. Everything happens for a reason. Maybe your life was to set in stone, this is giving you the chance to go out and explore. You get to try new things and go to new places," HE gave my shoulders a squeeze before continuing. "Try new foods." I giggle at the last part. I do not think I want to try any new foods after McDonald's. I still can not get over how gross it was. 

    "I guess you're right." I respond

  "I am always right." I glance up at Louis. The smile grew bigger and I laugh at his reply. 

  "Mmhmm, sure you are."  

 "I'm insulted. You don't think I am that smart?" I laugh a little. He placed one hand over his heart to make it seam like I insulted hi.

   "I read somewhere that you almost flunked out of school." I did my reseach on One Direction a while ago. 

"That's it!" He exclaimed. Louis let go of my body only to bring his hand back to my side and start tickling me. I am extremely ticklish so this wasn't good. My arms and legs thrashed out all over the place. My laugh was silent because I was laughing that hard. 

  'S-stop please" I beg in between breaths. 

  "Say Louis is the smartest person I will ever meet."

"You w-want me to l-lie?" Come on Lou, you should know lying is bad. That only proves that you aren't the smartest. 

  "Just say it or I will keep tickling you." He had his famous smirk planted on his face. 

"LouisisthesmartestpersonIwillevermeet" I said as quickly as I could. He instantly stopped tickling me and got up. "You're a jerk" I was out of breath and I probably looked like a mess from him.

 "Hey, I am a hot jerk. Now go get ready, we are going out." 

'Louis is a conceded hot jerk' I added in my mind before getting ready for the day.


sorry it took so long for me to update. I had softball on tuesday and it was my 16th birthday yesterday. Anyway hope you like this chapter and yeah. idk what else to say. so Bye!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2013 ⏰

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