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      I WALKED DOWN  the steps carefully, trying to not move that much. I had just been release from the hospital after two weeks, while they made sure that my new organ was working well. I looked around, not spotting Oliver. "Where's Oliver?" I asked Felicity and Diggle, surprising them. 

"I'm here, and you shouldn't be even up walking, Clara." Oliver said from above me. I looked up to see him doing pull ups in a bar that was on the ceiling. "You stitches are going to open again, and you will bleed out. That's bad." Oliver said, before dropping to the floor. He turned to me. "If you are not going by yourself, then I'm taking you." Oliver added, walking towards me. 

I scoffed at him. "Are you threatening me?" I asked Oliver, crossing my arms over my chest. 

Oliver looked down at me, with a smirk on his face. "I'm." He replied. A  loud whistle, caught out attention. It was Felicity. 

"Is anyone feeling the sexual tension between those two? Because I'm clearly feeling it." Felicity said to Diggle, surprising me. 

"I'm dating Aidan." I stated. 

"And I'm...her friend." Oliver answer with hesitation. 

"Right, what ever helps you both sleep at night." Felicity said. 

Oliver turned to look at me. "Will you at least seat down. Did you drove here?" Oliver asked me. I nodded at him. 

"I did." I told Oliver. Oliver sighed, walking away from me. "That annoys you doesn't it. Should I tell you I also went to the gym?" I told Oliver, trying to push his bottoms. 

Oliver scoffed at me. "You did not. I would have known." He replied, closing his eyes after he said. 

I looked at him with a small smirk. "You have been spying on me?" I asked him, causing him to ignore my question. "Oh, my. You have." I stated, covering my face. "I can't believe this. I just can't. Why would you be spying on me?" I asked, glaring at him. 

Oliver turned to face me. "I was just making sure you were safe. I worry about you." Oliver replied to me. 

I sighed, taking a seat next to Felicity. I looked at her computer. "What is the reporter talking about, Fel?" I asked her. 

Felicity smiled at me. "I love that nick name. Keep using it. It makes me feel fuzzy inside." Felicity said to me. 

"Now that's cute." I answered, giving her a small smile. 

A obnoxious cough was heard from behind us. We both turned around to face Oliver, giving us an annoyed look. Felicity nodded at him before turning back to the computers. "About the recent fire in Nickel's buildings." Felicity answered. 

Oliver sighed, walking towards his book. "John Nickel is one of the wealthiest real state developers in Starling City. He is also one of the dirtiest. That building that burnt down last night, wiring was not up to code." Oliver said to us. 

"Maybe he didn't know that." Felicity said to him. 

"Oh, he knew. Here are some emails to prove it." I told Felicity, pulling up a few police files. I also stood up, walking towards my era of the Arrowcave. 

"If you need something, I can get it for you." Oliver said, stopping my path by standing in front of me. He put both of his hands on my shoulder, pushing me back into my seat. 

Battling Arrows ⊳ Oliver Queen [ 1 ] ✓Where stories live. Discover now