APH-Lost Episode 14? (Crappypasta XP)

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Hi, everyone, I'm Christy and I have a really weird (and gruesome) story to share with you today...

I was surfing through the list of my APH videos I saved on my Netflix, when I noticed something strange in the suggestions box. The thumbnail showed- get this- a picture of South Korea. A picture of South Korea talking to Japan in a deep cave, looking angry and even scraggly.

I couldn't believe my eyes. South Korea had never been aired in the anime except for the accidental scene in episode 14, so what was he doing there? In a moment of utter happiness to see my country finally in the anime, I selected the video to watch.

Unfortunately, it had no subtitles, but I take classes in Japanese so I was able to pick up bits and pieces of what they were saying. Allow me to describe the episode.

The episode started with the intro. Nothing special. It opened into China's house and the Asian music. Japan came walking up the stone path, taking care to leave his shoes by the steps, lightly rapped on China's paper door. This is when South Korea answered.

"Hey, Japan, what are you doing here?" South Korea greeted the island nation, opening the door wider open to invite him in. "I came to see China-san," Japan responded, seriously as ever, stepping inside. "Where is he?"

"Oh... uh, he's in the bedroom. He's not feeling well today," South Korea answered, with a hint of hesitation. "Wait here. I'll go tell him you're here. Make yourself comfortable, OK?" with that, South Korea turned on his heels and practically bolted into the hallway, which I guessed lead to China's bedroom. Japan looked around, looking uneasy.

Finally, he sighed with frustration and followed South Korea into the hallway. He opened the paper door, which, again, I guessed was China's room, but no one was there. The bedsheets were neatly folded and crisp, as if no one had even slept in them. Japan frowned and closed the door before continuing on.

He opened the second door, which lead to another empty room. Japan, looking almost annoyed, closed the door with a bit of force that time. He continued to the last door. Now, it seemed Japan was getting impatient. He threw open the door. Surprisingly, this lead to no bedroom. It was an entrance to a stone tunnel. Now anger seemed to leave Japan's face as worry and concern replaced it.

He cautiously stepped in the cave, stooping over a bit as he did. It didn't seem very spacious. Japan looked like was having a hard time squeeze through the tunnel as water dripped and his footsteps echoed. Finally, he reached the end of the tunnel.

It was indeed a cave. The only light came from a row of lit candles possibly leading deeper into the cave. Japan looked around, now with fear clearly etched on his face. He ventured further into the cave, following the row of candles, until he noticed some red splotches on the ground. He stooped down, and hesitantly touched the red staining the stone.

"Blood" he muttered, straightening up. He simply continued on, following the row of candles. The blood staining the ground seemed to grow more and more thick. The smell of blood grew heavy as well. At this point, I was starting to get scared myself. This was the first real episode I've seen with my country, and what on earth was going on? I really wanted to know. I continued watching.

Japan had reached the end of the cave. Blood was everywhere- on the ground, the walls, it even looked like blood dripping from the ceiling. A mangled body was in the corner- China.
"China-san!" Japan rushed forward and knelt at the body's side. China's face was so dirty and bloody that he was hardly recognizable. But he seemed to have heard Japan. His eyes opened. "Run, Japan," he groaned, letting his head fall. "Get out of here..."

"That's enough out of you." another voice came from behind Japan. South Korea stood behind him, clothes bloody, scraggly, and with an expression of utter anger. Japan stood up and faced South Korea.
"What is the meaning of this?" he demanded, gesturing to China. "Your own brother!"
"Would a real brother treat his younger sibling like this?" South Korea finally pulled up his sleeves, revealing the hands that Himaruya had always hidden.

South Korea's arms were full of cuts and bruises. They had been so abused that they no longer looked young- in fact, they looked like the hands of an 80-year-old man. Japan only stared.

"You see?" South Korea lowered his sleeves. "I'm sick of being treated like some dog. You have no idea, Japan. You were always aniki's favourite. You don't know what it's like to be me." At this point, Japan looked almost sad. He raised his arms. "South Korea-kun-"

"Shut up!" South Korea shouted, stepping back. "Don't give me those pitying eyes! I've always hated it when people pity me and I still do!" Japan lowered his arms. "Listen, South Korea-kun... I really don't know what it's like to be you, but is this really necessary? You should'veve talked to me about it."

South Korea looked like he was about to cry. But he shook that away. Instead, he made a swiping motion toward Japan. A knife flew out of his sleeve and hit Japan square in the chest, causing mass amounts of blood to spurt out. Japan hit the ground, dead. Blood continued to pour from the wound South Korea had just inflicted on him.

At this point, I could feel myself tearing up. I had loved the character, South Korea, and now the anime staff were choosing to portray him like this...? I couldn't believe this. But I wanted to finish the episode.

South Korea stood over Japan's body, with almost an emotionless expression. He bent over and yanked the bloody knife out of Japan's chest. "Thank you for the kind words," he murmured, standing up. "I'll remember you with fond regards." he walked away, leaving the two bodies lying in the end of the cave. The scene faded, ending the episode.

It returned to the Netflix hompage, as if there was nothing else left. When I returned to my APH videos list, the video had completely disappeared. There was absolutely nothing. One could even believe there was nothing to begin with.

I remember huddling in the corner of my couch, crying to myself. My opinion of South Korea had totally went down the drain. I've told my friends about this, but no one believed me. If anyone has seen this particular episode, please contact me. I really need to talk to this about someone.

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