One Last Note...

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Your light is on. You are huddling on your bed, aren't you; or perhaps sitting at your desk? Maybe now you are considering you should have started the story in the day when the sun was still out. For those of you who dare to brave the night of horror, I wish you the best of luck. For those who thought they could shirk by reading while in the safety of the light...well the sun can only stay up for so long, my friend...

We've heard the tales, the stories, the creepypastas that have plagued this world since the dawn of time. Legends passed down of horrendous beings that strike fear into the minds of the bravest of souls, and knives into the hearts of those unfortunate. People swarmed the web with their art and videos, devoted themselves to writing stories and entries, 'warned' the populace of the menaces roaming this earth, created entire websites in order to catalogue every single witnessed event and sighting. Have you been one of those people? I hope not. If so, you're one of the spreaders of the darkness.

Me? I know what I'm doing is wrong. But I have no qualm about it. After all, what is life without a little fright? I'm just like the rest of you: I hide under my blankets at night whenever I hear a noise. I flinch every time I think I see a shadow move just outside my range of vision. I tell myself there is no reason to be afraid of the beings that I hear about. And there really shouldn't be any reason to fear them.

If they get me, they get me, and there won't be a single thing I can do about it.

So why is it I force myself onto the world wide web? Force myself to terrify myself to the point I can no longer sleep? Force myself to put my life in danger each time I do this? You know the saying "What you don't know can't hurt you?" Yeah, well, there's some truth to that. If I hadn't known about the creatures that prowl around in the darkness, if I hadn't known about the serial killers that take utter delight in seeing the tormented faces of their victims, if I hadn't seen the images of those smiling kids and canines and the blank eyes and faces of monsters, I might not be making my soul suffer so much. I might be just outside their grasp for them to ever reach me. I might be able to continue my existence with a blissfully ignorant mind. But I have seen them, I have heard them, and I have helped spread them. So I am never safe.

Those stories you've heard, those just now and those from before, they are real. The people weren't lying. There really is a man who poisoned his whole family for the sake of being with them, and a child out there terrified of the monster under her bed, and a person out there who escaped fate's strings (if only for a moment) to deliver to us the knowledge of what lies on the other side. You can look it up if you want. I am not one of those people; I am merely an observer like the rest of you.

I bet at this point you're waiting for me to just tell you how you can be safe from all of this. Well here's the answer: you can't. Nope! I've tried finding ways, but honestly you're doomed the moment you read that first word of that creepypasta that says "This is real!" (You probably should have paid more attention to the warning). You see, there's a very good reason your paranoia kicks in right as you're in the middle of the story: that's when you unconsciously, for the briefest of moments, know what you're reading is real. But oh no - not in the physical sense! Heavens, if they existed on the physical plane it'd be a wonder the human population was still around.

Your brain never forgets. Once you imagine something, no matter how brief the image, it stays in your mind for the rest of your life. In your head, the monsters are real. They can never die. You can never escape them. And your brain will periodically throw those imagines into the forefront just spite you and make you unable to sleep. Sometimes you don't even need a stimulant- you'll just be getting ready for bed, thinking about what you might want for breakfast in the morning when all of a sudden - BOOM! - the thought that Slenderman might just actually be standing right outside your bedroom window pops into your head. That's when you think 'Who needs sleep anyways?' You've become a prisoner to the whims of your fear's imagination.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is don't get caught up in a creepypasta. It's just a story, no different than the ones you've heard as a child. It's just that these tend to stay in your head longer. And cause psychological damage if left untreated. But know your nightmares will be waiting for you tonight. You've let them come out this far; it'll be a while before you can finally push them back down again. Even the most lucid dreamer can't always control them. And they will escape from the deepest recesses of your mind from time to time, just to let you know. There won't be anything you can do about that; such is the curse of hearing their tale. So when they do come, try not to scream...

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