Camp Omega

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I remember it like it was yesterday. Camp Omega in the foothills Virginia in some small town. It was like any other camp, bunks to sleep in, campfires at night, and friendly counselors. Looking back on it, maybe too friendly. At the time I thought that they were just being friendly because it was their job. I have never been so wrong.

Camp was fun at first, though the activities were a bit odd. We had to make these dolls that looked like us. Mine had straw for hair and blue button eyes. Then we had to make these bracelets with our names on them. Everything was personalized which I expected from camp. We had campfires and shared our feelings until we knew each other pretty well. There were about twenty-five other campers and fifteen councilors. One camper stood out to me, her name was Jeanette. She was nice and didn't talk too much. I was shy too so we connected easily through enjoying the silence.

It was the last day of the week-long camp. I was so happy to be going home the next day, camp was fun but I missed home. We sat at the fire with everyone including the counselors. I wasn't sure if it was the fire but they looked different. The looked familiar but their faces were pale as ghosts. I shrugged it off and listened to the next activity.

I wish I didn't.

We all had our dolls that resembled us. I held mine in my hands and tried not to look at it, as its blank blue button eyes stared into me. "This represents the old you. The you before camp." The lead councilor said to all of us. Then they had us throw the dolls into the fire. I watched as mine was engulfed in flames, snapping and popping as the fire consumed its canvas skin. "You are a new person now," the head councilor told us.

After the doll burning they told us there would be a goodbye ceremony and dinner. Two of the councilors led us back to the cabins and told us to pack our stuff. They explained that the celebration ceremony was at the nearby barn on the edge of the property. The other councilor left so it was just one with us. His name was Scott. He was always nice and had good jokes. He waited at the fire pit as we all gathered our things. He was acting weird as I sat next to him waiting on everyone else. He was staring into the fire silently, with a disturbed look on his face. "I love you," he muttered once we were all assembled. I didn't know whom he was talking to so I assumed I misheard him. "I love you guys and I'd do anything for you," he said clearly so we all heard it.

We all looked at each other with confused expressions but it was a nice gesture and we said that we loved him too. He smiled and got up. "We're ready," he stated and led us through the forest to the edge of the camp. It was dark and the air got thicker. I was excited for the ceremony. I was ready to leave and go home where there was cable and internet. I've had enough of the outdoors.

We suddenly exited the woods and the barn loomed in the darkness. All of the camp councilors stood around it in a circle with torches in hand. I felt my stomach drop. I knew something wasn't right as they ushered us all into the barn.

It was an old rickety structure, I'm sure wasn't up to any building code and I was also pretty sure we shouldn't be in there. The councilors stepped inside and formed a circle around us, closing the door behind them.

The head councilor broke from the circle and stood before us. "Jeanette Lewinski please come forward for your departure," she said. We all looked uneasy but Jeanette stepped forward. I was happy for her; maybe she would get a ribbon or something cool to take home.

The councilors moved from the ring around the barn to a ring around us, all the while holding their torches. I could feel my heartbeat quicken as they came closer, and closer.

And stabbed Jeanette in the neck.

She didn't scream and suddenly it was sudden pandemonium as the counselors threw their torches at the walls of the barn. I didn't notice that all of the councilors had long serrated knives with them. I tried to run but the barn was starting to go up like a match. Kids were running around screaming before being stabbed by the counselors.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2017 ⏰

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