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"KATIE!WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" This is Rachel, one of my best friends who freaks out when she doesn't see me for over 30 hours...

"In class..."

"Well I missed you!! You could've at least called."

"Okay you're being ridiculous." She was. Haha like I'm gonna call her in the middle of history class! I was to busy sleeping.

"Mommy needs to know if her baby is okay."

I ignored her and just sat down at out lunch table. I pulled out my lunch and began to stuff my face with food.

"Damn girl slow down!" Matt exclaimed.

"Oh shut up little boy! I'm eating!!!" Matt is like 4'8" and we always make fun of him cause he's tiny. He has baby blue eyes and messy brown hair.

"MEANIE!" He began to fake cry at my derogatory remark. I ignored him too and started stuffing my face again.

After I finished lunch I made my way back to the library and started reading my book again. I don't know why but I always felt safe in libraries. Not warm just safe, it's always cold in our library.

I felt the couch dip next to me and as I suspected it was again Chase. He pulled out the book we were reading and started on the page he left off. He sat there in chilly silence as we waited and read. Heat radiated off of his body filling me with warmth.

"Well!" I said snapping closed my book and standing up."Looks like its time to head to the joyful place they call chemistry class. Bye Chase."

"Bye Katie." he smiled back and we parted ways. I meandered my way to chemistry and I saw Hannah that slut making out with Dylan some asshole. I gagged and thought of all te horrible things I could do to her like rip out her weave or die her hair jet black. hehehe...

"Ugh I hate it here." I told the random person who was sitting next to me. Who just happened to be Jessy one of my friends. She was a little shorter than me, has short dark brown hair and deep brown eyes. She's beautiful really.

"Oh god I know exactly what you mean! This place is like a living hell."

"You got that right."

"Alright class! today we will be splitting atoms!" The teacher called out.

The whole class room gasped at what we were doing. That would make atom bombs. WE WOULD ALL DIE!!!

"Just kidding! We're gonna read out loud pages 567-580!" The class room was filled with groans and whines of displeasure.

Someone threw a paper ball at me while the teacher was droning on about who created the atom bomb. The paper ball rolled onto my desk and I looked around to see who threw it but couldn't find anyone. I slowly and silently opened up the paper and read what was inside. 'Will you go to the carnival with me tonight? Circle yes or no. ~Chase' I smiled down at the paper in my hands and boldly circled the 'yes'. I lightly tossed it back to Chase and it ended up hitting him in the head. I stifled a laugh and pretended to read the book. I glanced over at Chase and saw him ginning at my answer. Well looks like someone's happy.

"Alright I'll see y'all tomorrow. Bye." The teacher waved us out of the room and I headed to workshop. Yes I take workshop but only for to reasons. 1. I get to pretend what ever I sawing in half is someone's head and 2. the teacher is a young built man who's pretty hot and I could use a nice view. No I'm not perving on my teacher he's just hot.

Today we are building benches (yes it's chliche but I had too). All the things we make in this class go to charity so if its good someone who needs it will get it. Te teacher directed us over to a large pile of wood and I picked an old oak piece and began to make marks on it for cutting later. By the end of class I was completely finished marking my wood to the perfect lengths and had started my math homework. No point in starting to cut today.

"Alright class! I'll see all of you tomorrow for school. have a nice day!" All of the kids filed out of the class room and I saw Chase waiting for me outside the door.

"Hey Chase." I greeted.

"Hey ummm." He said scratching the back of his head. "Can I pick you up at 7:00?"

"Yeah that sounds great!" Chase already had a license for his big pick up truck so I guess he would drive us.

"Oh do you want you jacket back?"

"Nah you can keep it till later tonight."

"Okay. I'll see you later then."

We exchanged numbers and walked off to our lockers. I grabbed everything I needed and walked to my buss room. As I waited for my bus to be called I thought about Chase and Sean.

"Bus wave one is now dismissed! Bus wave one is now dismissed!" The loud speaker crackled from above and we all ran out the door itching to get off school grounds.

"So you going to the carnival to night?" Sidney suddenly spoke up from behind me. We rode the same bus home. Sidney casually sat in the booth next to me.

"Uh yeah at 7:00."

"Oh cool! Me too! I'm going with Alex and Taylor. Who you gonna go with?"

"Uhhhh...... well... I'm kinda going with uhhhhh...... Chase." I showed her the jacket I was wearing and she gaped at my response.

"No way! No freaking way!"

"Uh yeah, we were sitting in the library at free period and he asked me if I wanted to go... soooo yeah."

"Wow I wast excepting that."

"What were you expecting Sidney?" I was no curious to what she as thinking.

"Well it seemed like Matt or Hunter would want to go with you. Ya know."

"Oh well Chase is coming to pick me up at 7:00 tonight." I was now bored with this conversation.

"I never thought u would see you wearing a boys jacket...."


"Well you seem to always be wearing you volleyball team sweatshirt so I wouldn't think to see you with out it. Chase's sweatshirt looks good on you."

"Oh thanks. Ah gotta go i'll see you at the carnival tonight okay?"

"Okay see ya!"

I scooted out of my seat and walked down the bus to the door. On the way many girls gave me dirty looks and sneered at me. Ya see Chase is a good looking guy and is pretty popular so when a nobody like me is wearing his jacket people start to think things.

I walked home enjoying the solitude and silence. I let the warmth of Chases jacket fill me as I walked through the cold snow. I thought if how fun tonight would be and if it was a date kinda thing or what.

"Hey babe, how was school?" My dad asked as I walked through the front door.

"Slow, hey dad. I'm gonna go to the carnival tonight and my friend is gonna pick me up at 7:00 we'll be back by 9:00."


I started on my homework and before I knew it, Chase was ringing my door bell. He looked great in low jeans and a grey sweatshirt.

"Hey, bye dad I'm going now!" I called into the house.

"Okay bye! have fun!"

I closed the door and walked down my front porch to Chase's big pickup truck. Tonight is gonna be awesome! I just know it.

So what do ya think is gonna happen?





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