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We both hopped into Chase's big pickup truck and drove off down the road. I flipped in the radio and began to scan through the stations to find a good song.

"These bruises, make for better conversation! Everybody looses! We all got bruises!" I sang along with the song 'Bruises' and danced in the truck. You may want to know that I am a horrible dancer. Like the worst dancer in the entire world!

"Wow! You've got a great voice." Chase complemented me and I blushed at his comment. Most people don't know I can sing or that I'm really strong. If you get me mad or mess with my friends or do something inappropriate you will find yourself with a bloody nose at best. I could most likely break your nose in a second and definitely give you a concision.


The next song that came on was 'Glad You Came' and we both bursts out singing and Chase wasn't all that bad himself.

"You not to bad either, ya know." I told him.


"At singing I mean. You've got a good voice too." I tried to explain to him.

"Yeah I guess, I never really sing though. Not very manly I guess." He imitated a buff man and flexed while he spoke in a deep voice. We both cracked up laughing.

"Not very manly indeed." Just then we pulled up to the carnival and picked a spot near the entrance. I hopped out of the car and waited for Chase.

"So you wanna ride some rides?" He asked me casually as we walked over to the main entrance.

"Of corse!" I giggled and ran over to the ticket booth with Chase trailing behind me. He just smiled as I fidgeted in the long line as we wait. Even of he just look at me he smiled, no boy has ever smiled because I like something. It feels nice and I want it to happen a lot more often.

"That'll be $24.99 please." I handed the lady the money and she handed me a wristband in return. I handed my wristband to the JROCT guy and he tied it around my wrist.

AN. JROCT is people in high school training to be in the military for later on.

"Which ride do you want to ride first?" Chase asked me as he smiled down at me.

" Duh! The Rock And Roller!" I grabbed Chase's hand and dragged him over to the short line at the ride. We waited till the worker let us on the ride and then picked the seat we wanted. We piled in with me on one side and Chase on the other so it would spin better.

" I absolutely love this ride. I've ridden it every year since I was a kid."

"Yeah me too." Just then the old ride jolted to a start with a creek. The circular cages went around twice and then withs loud screech our car began to roll end on the on end. It stopped while we were upside down and then switched direction and went the other way. After a while the ride slowed to a stop and we hopped out.

"Where to now?" Chase asked again.

"Ummmm how about the Scrambler?"

"Awesome!" We walked over to the ride through the throng of people. when we reached it there was a long line of people so we waited for like 10 minutes. When we finally got on Chase picked a car and sat on the outside edge, I plopped down next to him and buckled the seatbelt. This ride suddenly started and quickly gained speed. The cars were scrambled together and spun on large circles. This means that I am pushed up next to Chase because of the amount of G force. Our bodies squished together in the tight seat. When the ride finally stopped we hopped off and head over to the Super Shot. Or as some like to call it the Super Shit. 2 years ago a kid was riding the ride and when the car dropped from the top he popped himself and since then it has been called the Super Shit.

We got into our seats and the ride began to make its slow decent upwards to high above the field. As the ride just about reached its peak I grabbed onto Chase's hand and held it for dear life and Chase just chuckled. Then all of a sudden the car dropped and everyone screamed. The just as quick as it came it stopped and we both got off.

"Glad that's over." I sighed with relief.

"You don't like it do you." Chase said sadly. I could see the disappointment in his eyes.

"No! Chase I love it! It's perfect, I'm just not a fan of that ride that's all." Chase sighed with relief as I told him how I felt.

"Wanna get some food?" Just then my stomachs grumbled and I blushed a deep shade of red. "I'll take that as a yes."

We headed off to the pavilions with the food and ordered a couple of burgers. We sat down and ate our food and watched the leaves blow in the wind.

"So wanna ride more rides after we eat?" Chase asked.

"Sure but no more spinny ones kay?"

"Sure." Chase just smiled down at me as I stuffed my face with more burger. It was nice coming here with Chase and I was pretty surprised when he asked me to come.

"You done?" Chase asked as I wiped my face with a napkin.


"You wanna ride the Ferris wheel?"

"Why not." With that we got up and headed over to the Ferris wheel and waited in line. When the ride stopped we waited for the man to bring us out car thingy and we hopped in. We began to slowly move upwards in the cars till we reached the top.

"You can see anything from here!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah it's a beautiful night." Chase agreed. It really was beautiful though. There wasn't a cloud in the sky and in was pitch black. You could see millions of stars out here, glistening just above your head like you could reach out and touch them.

I looked over a Chase and saw him watching me. I slowly leaned in closer and so did Chase till we were a few inches apart. Chase gently placed his lips on mine but I instantly kissed back deepening the kiss. Just then fireworks went off above our heads brightening every move of our lips. My hands traveled through his hair and his hands on my hips and we kissed in the night, on top of that big old Ferris wheel.

Sorry it's so short but it's like 12:00 so I ended it there.





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