Chapter Twelve

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Edwards POV

"Hey boys!" Harrys stupid cheeky ass grin face walks over to Marcel and I and whoever the fuck was behind us.

"Shut up!" I growl.

"What the hell? What's up your ass?" Harry laughs.

"You know what's up my ass! You act like we didn't just see you with her. She fucking hugged you," I point out.

"Jealous?" he smiles. Feeling proud of himself.

"No." I lie.

"Then what's the big deal?" he throws his arms in the air.

"Shut up and take us home," I push passed him and head outside.

Asshole thinks he's getting to her before me. Yeah he's my brother and we look exactly alike except I have sleeves of tattoos and more intimidating to people. As for Harry, every girl drools over him. But he isn't going to have this girl drool over him.

Marcel's POV

I had no words the entire ride back. I sat in the back as usual because I didn't want to fight Edward for the front seat even though I know he'd kill me.

Once we got home I darted out of the car and into the house to plan out what I was going to do to get dad to keep Harry and Edward on lockdown so they don't go to the party. Its an easy task just to tell him and remind him we were grounded but either of them could be around. So I decided just to bring up the subject of his take on Edward and Harry always fighting.

"Hey dad," he was in the kitchen eating some left over cake Beth made two nights ago.

"Hey son, how was school?" he licked the excess chocolate from his fingers.

"Fine. Passed a test. No biggy," I shooed the subject away, "anyway do you ever know why Harry and Edward always seem to be punching each other's face in?"

"No?" his face pinched together, "maybe because they're boys and well you know...brothers."

"Yes. I understand but Harold and I don't fight the way he and Edward do." I put my hands together as I wait for an answer.

"Well...Harry," he emphasizes his name, "he actually has a sensitive bone in his body as for Edward, well you know," he takes another forkful of cake.

"Yes, but didn't it scare you how they fought the other day?" I ask.

"What's your point Marcel?" he sounded annoyed.

"Answer the question!" I jumped.

"Yes it frightened me," he finally answers.

I bob my head. Great.

"So about that punishment.." I continue.

"What punishment?" Perfect! I thought.

"You know, the punishment you gave the three of us. You grounded us remember? Therefore as a parent you are not allowed to let either of us leave the perimeter of this household AND we are allowed no contact with anyone, and I mean anyone who will timidly distract us from the process of us learning our lesson from our disturbing actions." I catch my breathe. My dad is utterly confused but agrees.

"Right..." he stands, "okay son. Yes your grounded. So go upstairs."

"Thank you for your time," I step away and run to my room.

Harrys POV

A knock was heard from my door as I changed into sweats and a plain black t-shirt for comfort.

"Who is it?" I called from downstairs.

"It's me you douche," Edward answers, "let me in."

"It's unlocked!" I shout back.

I hear his loud steps coming from downstairs. He has a white v-neck on and a plaid shirt over it with the sleeves cut off and jeans with holes where his knees are. Along with his stupid brown boots.

"Where are you going?" I sit on my bed and grab my phone reading 5 text messaged from girls and Liam.

"To the fucking party," he scoffs, "hurry up."

"It's barely 5 and plus were grounded remember?" I roll my eyes and ignore the girls texts and only reply back to Liam.

"Stop acting like Marcel," he insults, "and who cares. You act like dad ever remembers the punishments he gives us."

He was right. Our dad had the worst memory ever. It was good on occasions like this where he punished us and we'd leave and he didn't say anything. Our mom never reminded him which was great because we were lucky to have parents who forget everything because they're so caught up with being lawyers.

"Yeah but I don't want to go now," I say, "it's too early."

"Then what the hell are we supposed to do for another 4 hours?" he furrows his brows and scans my shelf.

I shrug and put my phone to charge for tonight. I reach over and grab my backpack and pull out my Honors English binder.

"Don't tell me your gonna study," Edward whines and juggles a hackie sack he retrieved for my drawer.

"No idiot," I say and pull out a small plastic bag from the pencil pouch. Edwards eyes go wide as he sees the plastic bag and the contents inside.

"Nice!" he laughs in amusement. He walks over and smells the bag.

"We can do that until 9," I grin.

"Nice my brother," he hands the bag back, "smart boy."

Edwards POV

It's nearly 8 and I'm hungry as fuck. Harry and I finished the bag in 2 hours. That was 2 good filled joints we smoked.

"Man I'm hungry," I laugh.

Harry walks over to the mini fridge in his room and grabs us some soda and gets his stupid granola bars. I don't care as long as I get food.

"Who gave you the bud?" I unwrap the granola bar and eat it in two bites.

"I got a guy," he laughs and eats his third bar already.

"I thought you quit pussy!" I throw my wrapper at him.

"I did," he admits, "but hey whatever."

"What time is it?" I say with a mouthful of granola bar.

"8:15" he burps.

"We should go now," I stand up and head to the stairs.

"Wait! We can't go out now, our eyes are bloodshot red." he alarms and goes to his nightstand and grabs his eye drops.

"Here," he throws me the drops, "I'm gonna go change."

I tilt my head back and squeeze the small bottle letting two drops hit each eye. I stay that way until the drops fully go in my eye. I close it and toss it on the bed. I walk over to the mirror. My eyes are somewhat red but are clearing pretty quick.

"Hurry up!" I tell Harry.

He comes out wearing a black shirt and dark jeans with navy blue converse. Douche.

"Your eyes are red," I alert. He turns and retrieves the drops doing the same thing I did. Instead of waiting for his eyes to clear he gets his Ray Bans and puts them on before we go upstairs.

"But seriously who the hell has a party on a fucking Tuesday," I tell Harry and he laughs.

"Excuse me?"

Shit. It's dad. We both turn around surprised to see him. I could see Marcel peeking through the crack of the open door. I knew he had something to do with this. He's so fucking dead.

"But where do you think you two are going?"

Fuck. So close.

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