Fuck everything

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Phil treats Dan after a long, stressful and mostly shitty day.
Contains (domestic) fluff, cuddling, massaging, blowjob, just nice and slow.
Word count: 1.2K

A loud "bang" was heard through the whole flat when Dan closhed the cubboard door out of anger. "Argh, that's the second time it happened today," he mumbled under his breath. He pouted and got a wooden broom to sweep up all of the smithereens he had made by dropping a mug while clearing out the dishwasher. "Hey babe what happened?" Phil stood behind the glass door of the kitchen.
"Fuck everything. Fuck this mug. Fuck these shards. Fuck the mug that fell this morning. Just fuck everything." Dan sighed. Phil walked over towards him and put away the broom. He wrapped his arms around Dan from behind and rest his head on his boyfriend's shoulder. "Anything else you'd like to be fucked? Or anyone else?" Phil winked and smiled, but when Dan didn't seem to respond to his -not so subtile- hint. Dan could always tell when Phil was horny, and it usually happened when Dan himself totally wasn't in the mood for it.
"You should take some rest. D'you feel like watching some anime with me? We could make some popcorn and hide under blankets, escape from our responsibilities."
Dan walked his way out of the embrace and turned around to face Phil. "I just really wanna sleep. I've been really grumpy all day and I don't really feel like anything right now, if you mind."
"N-no, that is fine, of course I don't mind. Just know that I'm here if you need me. I'm always here," he said and went behind Dan again and put his hands on Dan's shoulders and started massaging them, but he got interrupted.
"Phil please, I don't even like massages," he said but he still let Phil do his thing. "Please Dan, just for once? If not for you, then do it for me. Pretty pretty please?"
"Fine then, but only once!" he added. Dan heard Phil giggle as he continued working Dan's sore muscles. Dan had to admit, it felt really good. He couldn't help but let out a little moan, which made Phil smirk. Phil softly kissed Dan's neck and his hands moved up to his scalp. "Ah fuck, Phil," Dan spoke out. He wasn't able to hold his owm head up straight anymore. "I found a sweet spot, didn't I?"
Dan lost sense of time while Phil was massaging his scalp and playing with his hair. It could have been 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 seconds, he really had no idea. He startled when Phil suddenly stopped. "Hey, why did you stop?" Dan asked and turned around to look into Phil's sky blue eyes. He didn't say anything, instead, he stoved his hands under Dan's shirt and burried his face in the younger one's neck. He knew he hated it when his neck got touched, but with the right circumstances, it could really turn him on too. "Phil I..." Dan pushed Phil away a little. Then, he pulled Phil into a sloppy kiss that slowly changed into plain making out. Dan wrapped his arms around Phil's neck and let his arms rest on his shoulder.
While Dan's hands went up higher, Phil found his way down low. He grabbed his boyfriend by his hips and pulled him closer, their growing bulges touching through their jeans. "We should take this somewhere else, shouldn't we?" Dan suggested.
"I think this is just fine," Phil responded and lifted Dan up onto the kitchen counter. Dan wrapped his legs around Phil to hold him into place tightly. "We are wearing way too much," Dan said inbetween kisses.
"No, you are," Phil corrected him. "Tonight I will treat you, like I said before. It's all about you," Phil said while he was trying to undo Dan's belt. He pulled his pants down, together with his underwear. "Ah fuck," Dan whined as the cold counter touched his bare skin. "Now, you stay right where you are. I've got something."
Oh no. What did he have now? Dan looked down and bit his lip while he was waiting for Phil to return. "Where the hell did you get that can of whipped cream? Why wasn't it in the fridge?"
"If I would have left it in the fridge, you would most definitely squirt it all up in your mouth as a midnight snack or waste it all on your hot chocolate. I'd rather save it for moments like this," Phil winked. "Now, where were we then?"
Phil started to place soft gentle kisses on Dan's neck again and slowly made his way down to his collarbone and sucked for a little while. He started to touch Dan's body more and more as he grew harder. His back, his shoulders, his chest, his thighs. Especially his thighs. "Ah Phil stop fucking teasing already."
"As you wish," Phil said and went straight to Dan's cock. He startled at the sudden touch, but it was what he wanted, after all. Phil got the can and squirted a line all over Dan's length and a bit up his happy trail. Phil put his lips around the tip and circles around it with his tongue. He started bobbing slowly, taking more of Dan into his mouth with every bob, until eventually his nose touched the whipped cream he had put on the fuzzy happy trail. "Oh Jesus Christ, Phil, your mouth!" Dan carefully wiped it off Phil's nose and put his finger in his mouth as he moaned.
Phil released with a satisfying plop sound and looked up at Dan. "Enjoying it, huh?" Phil said and connected his mouth to Dan's slightly sticky member again but this time he stayed at the tip and used his hand at the base, as an extention to his mouth.
He hollowed his cheeks as he enjoyed the sounds that were escaping from Dan's lips.
"So good Phil, so good," he said and burried his hands into Phil's black hair. It all became too much when Phil started to massage his balls with his free hand. "Fuck, I'm so cl-close."
Phil continued what he was doing until Dan unleashed his load into Phil's mouth. Phil stood up again and after a few seconds of panting, Dan opened his eyes again. "That was amazing babe," Dan said. Phil couldn't help but smile. "I'm gonna take a shower now, I think. But shouldn't we take care of that?" Dan asked while he pointed down at Phil's pants. He was rock hard and untouched.
"Oh, I can do myself, don't worry too much about that. Now go take a shower Dan, I don't want you to make the whole house sticky," Phil joked. "It wasn't my idea though, don't blame me!"
"Alright then," Phil finally said and gave Dan a quick peck on his lips before he went to his bedroom to take care of his raging boner.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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