Happy Birthday? - Chapter Fourteen

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Heads up! I wrote the parts before this chapter like last year and all I was doing was editing and republishing. This one I wrote from scratch so it's going to sound different.


Anna's POV


I woke up when I fell out of my bed. Uuuuugh why.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE SIS!!!" Dylan said as he hopped in my bed which knocked me off.

"It's..." I look at my clock. "Dude it's 12:01. Why you wake me??"

"Cause it's your birthday now bruh. Plus I was bored and wanted to talk to you." He shrugged. "Thought you were awake."

"Oh yeah. My snoring and my motionless body completely said 'I'm Awake'." I rolled my eyes and crawled back into bed.

"No. Get up. Since it's officially your birthday, we start partying now. I got a surprise so get dressed." He said and hopped up.

"But I'm tiiiiiired." I groaned.

"You can go to sleep in the car." He said and threw a pillow at me to wake me up. "Get up!!! We gotta go!!"

"Ugh find big head." I got up and sluggishly showered and put on some sweat pants and a sweatshirt and my Nike slides and put my hair in a bun and did all my hygiene. Ugh I forgot lotion. Forget it. I'm not stripping right now. I'm to tired.

I walked downstairs to where Dylan was waiting and passing the time by playing on his phone.

"Finally." He said and we walked to his car and as soon as I hit the seat I was knocked out.

Dylan woke me up after what felt like a minute later but I checked the clock and it's been 5 hours.

I got out and followed Dylan to God knows where. After walking some time we came up to a bridge. By this time I was fully awake due to the rest I got in the car and the walking.

"Just in time." He said.

"For what?" I asked.

"Look." He pointed. Sunrise. OH SHIT!!! He brought me to Jacksonville Beach. It's the only beach I haven't been to and seen the sunrise. My dad used to take all of us to different beaches to see the sunrise. It was like a tradition for us. New Years. Birthdays. Holidays. We ended up seeing all the beaches in the U.S. except for this one. Dylan remembered. God I loved him. I would always take pictures as the sun peaked over the land. I wish I had my camera.

"Aren't I awesome?" He bragged.

"No." I laughed.

"Awww. Then I guess you don't need this then, huh?" He held out my camera. Dang. It's about to be a perfect shot in like a minute.

"Fine. You awesome. Gimme my camera." I said reaching for it.

"You have to mean it." He laughed. And now I hate him.

"Fine. You are the most awesome brother in the whole world." I said and faked a smile.

"That sounds more like it." He smiled and handed me my camera.

I took like a hundred shots as the sun slowly rose. It was so beautiful. Pictures say more than words ever could. That's why I love photography. And art.

Once the sun was fully out and shining, we decided to head back home.

By the time we got there, everyone was awake and at our house. Oh boy. I see Craig's truck and Aaron's car. I'm guessing Craig brought everyone including Gabby and DeJara and Aaron brought Nevaeh.

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