Chapter 3- It's a Twin Thing

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Dedicated to Reaper333 because I just started reading her awesome story while writing this chapter :)

When I opened my eyes all I saw was white. For a moment I lied there, confused. Was I dead. Then I started laughing I was almost hysterical. Man how tacky was that I sounded like the heroine from a really bad straight to video movie. It wasn't even that funny but I couldn't stop laughing. It was like the madman switch in my brain had been flipped. I don't know how long it was before I calmed down but when I finally opened my eyes I saw the now very familiar green eyes staring at me, worry evident in those green depths. But as soon as he saw I was awake his face went back to its standard expressionless state.

We just sat there in silence for the next five minutes, no one saying anything, it was officially the most awkward five minutes of my life. Not being able to take it anymore, I finally cracked.

''Hey!'' we both blurted at the same. ''You go first'' we said together again. This was getting seriously freaky. 'No you' the third time we spoke at the same time we just stared at each other in shock and then he did something really strange- he laughed. A deep throaty chuckle that was incredibly infectious and even though I had only known him for less than hour I knew he wasn't the type that laughed often. After a minute he sobered up, straightening up in the blue vinyl chair next to my bed and then turned towards me, his face serious.

''We need to talk''

''Oh no not the talk please don't leave me! I'm sorry forgive me. We were meant to be together!’' I cried jokingly, I don't do well in tense atmospheres, I always felt slightly claustrophobic when I was inside, and they always seemed to make me feel worse. He just glared at me. Well aren’t you a bucket full of sunshine. The dude really needs to get a sense of humour.

''I can't! You hurt me too badly, but there will always be a part of you in my heart'' he said dramatically, clutching his heart. OK maybe he can be funny. We both cracked up for the second time, we could barely breathe but just couldn't stop. Eventually we recovered and he turned around grinning at me ''I don't think I’ve ever laughed so much in my entire life. You’re a cool person''. I grinned at the complement but he was clearly exaggerating.

 ''Thanks but I’m sure you've had more fun times with your family or something''. For a second I saw darkness filter through his features and then once again he donned his poker face. I swear this guy could give lady Gaga a run for her money. But then I felt bad, his family was clearly a sensitive topic that I stepped on like the insensitive elephant I am. I snapped back to reality when I heard him call my name.

''Have you recovered?'' Lex asked, his voice not giving anything away. It was then that I realised that I was in the nurse's office. That explains all the white. I was lying on a small rectangular bed with crisp white sheets, the walls were white, even the curtains that were drawn around my cubicle were white with blue butterflies. The only furniture was the little plastic vinyl chair that Lex was currently occupying. I nodded in response to Lex's question and made my way out of bed and the nurse's office.

''Are you sure you're ok to get up, fainting can be a sign of a serious problem. Do you want something to eat or maybe drink? I’ll call the nurse maybe you should go to a hospital to be on the safe side'' Lex rambled nervously. He is so sweet, the worry and concern in his voice betrayed the cool expression he had before. I smiled, for some reason his concern made me happy,

''I'm fine really' I shouted as I headed out the door 'Aren't you coming''


''You wanted to talk right? I know the perfect place'' and with that I turned around and headed to the best place in the entire world.

When Annaliese finally stopped, we were in one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen. It was literally breathtaking.  For at least a mile in every direction, bright green grass covered the surface, with bursts of amethyst, gold and jade flowers popping up amongst the block of green. At the perimeter of the meadow stood a dense forest; the dense green hinting at untold dangers and wonders. Annaliese made her way to the centre of the meadow and sat down. As I made my way to join her scents of lavender and honeysuckle assaulted me, I couldn't believe a place like this existed in the city much less a mere twenty minutes from school by foot. It was so untouched, so perfect.

We sat down in the middle of the meadow legs crossed and I quickly schooled my features, making them blank before facing her. A huge part of me wanted to trust her, this person I’ve known for less than an hour already felt like family and that honestly scared the shit out of me. I don’t trust. I feel affection for the people at the home but I don’t trust them. I don’t trust anyone with the darkness inside me.

‘'So are you adopted?'’ I asked getting straight to the point. Enough brooding for today.

‘'Not that I know of'’ was her frustrated response as she ran her fingers through her long blonde hair. A gesture I was all too familiar with. Yet another strike in the she’s my long lost sister category and since she wasn’t adopted then that left only one possibility in my book. A possibility that left a bitter taste in my mouth.

‘'So your parents kept you and gave me away'’ I said simply voicing my thoughts out loud, all traces of emotion devoid from my voice.

'‘No! No way my parents aren’t like that. They’re not that cruel.'' All human beings are as capable of cruelty as they are kindness. I didn’t say this out loud though, she seemed distressed enough as it is.

'‘Then they’re not your real parents and you’re adopted. They’re the only options, unless you can deny the fact that we're twins… Can you?'’ By now there was no doubt in my mind that we were related it was too huge to be a coincidence. Annaliese’s barely perceptible nod showed she agreed with my sentiment.

We got up slowly, brushing ourselves off and made our way back to school in silence. Ten minutes away from the building near a small road Annaliese tugged my sleeve, stopping me in my place.

‘'How can you be so calm about this?'’ She questioned forlornly. ‘'Aren’t you confused? Angry? Upset? You’re family lied to you too!’’

I just stared at her blankly, slightly bewildered at the display of emotion. Was this the normal way to act when discussing ones family?

'‘I was never lied too and I don’t have a family’' I told her truthfully, I’d probably regret it later but oh well.

‘'What do you mean?'’ she asked her eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. Ah how cute. No Lex, don’t think like that next thing you know you’ll be buying her Christmas presents and doing some next twin telepathy nonsense with her. I barely contained a shudder.

'‘I mean that I’ve been in and out of the system since I was five. I never had a family to lie to me.'’ I explained casually. I’ve had a long time to accept it, it was a fact that no longer bothered me, just left a numb hole behind.

'‘Oh shit… how could I be so insensitive!’' She cried in anguish once again running her hands through her hair. ‘I’m so sorry it must have been hard’ she said concern evident in her voice

'‘It was fine’' I said coolly my gaze averted. I think she could tell that I wasn’t being honest but left it alone and for that I was grateful.

'‘So are children’s home really like Tracy Beaker?'’ Her question was asked so randomly that I couldn’t help but burst out in throaty laughter. What was the matter with me today, I hadn’t laughed so genuinely before.

‘'ya it’s a cross between-'‘ but before I could finish my reply Annaliese’s blood-curdling scream filled the air and an unimaginable force made impact with my side.

I'm sorry it's kind of slow but trust me things are gonna pick up next  chapter so please vote and comment.  If you never heard of Tracy beaker than I'm sorry your missed out on something in your childhood.

Au revoir,


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