Chapter 4

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~Kasper's PoV~

I was awoken from my thoughts by the shrill sound of the bell. Everyone stood up and rushed out of the door, it was like a stampede.
I grabbed ahold of Bebe's shoulder as we struggled to worm our way through the crowd of people. Thanks to my height of 6'1" I could easily see over people. Sadly, however, it didn't help us move any faster.

When we finally managed to get out of the classroom I notice that Bebe keeps glancing at her phone as if she was expecting it to change in the next few seconds.
"Are you waiting for a text or something?" I asked her, she jumped and nearly dropped her phone.
"No." It was obvious that she was lying, well, to me at least.
"Tell the truth. Is it your crush? Do I know her? What does she look like? I need to know if she is worthy of my princess." I said very quickly. Her face tinted red and her cerulean blue eyes darted away, refusing to meet my scarlet stare.
"Fine, yes, it is a girl. You know her very well. She is beautiful and she is definitely worthy of me." She answered all of my questions.
"Can I see a picture? Please?"

We leant against the lockers whilst everyone made their way to their next class. I'm sure our teacher wouldn't mind if we were a little bit late.

"I don't have any pictures of her." She lied again.
"C'mon, darling, why would you lie to your bestest friend?" I joked.
"Bestest isn't a word, dummy." She laughed, trying to avoid my question.
"It is in my world. Now, don't change the topic. I want to see a picture of this girl."
She sighed and unlocked her phone, opened her gallery and pulled up a selfie she must have taken a few weeks ago. How did I know this? Because a few weeks ago she had a strip of blue in her thick blonde hair from a bad drunk decision.
The selfie was on her and Kasey, my own twin sister. My best friend had a crush on my twin sister. Nice.
"Aww, that is so cute. I ship it now. It is my new life goal to get you two together." I said happily, probably a bit too loudly as well because I turned a few heads.
"Oh my god, stop. You're going to kill me." Her tanned cheeks dusted with pink that wasn't just from her blusher.
"What are bestest friends for?" I laughed and she joined in.

Most people had cleared the hallways and were already in second lesson.

"What lesson do we have now?" I asked Bebe, I never remember these things.
"Um, English with Mr Sinner."
Oh yeah, I always found it funny that Mr Sinner was a strong Christian believer with 'Sinner' in his name.
"Wonderful." I sat in between Kyle and Kenny at the back of the class in that lesson which was perfect.

Let me tell you something about Mr Sinner. He has really poor eyesight since only one of his eyes work. He also is getting old so he has terrible hearing. Which means most of us in the class, except Kyle and Wendy because they actually want to do their work, just mess around. It doesn't even matter if you sit in the right place, I can remember plenty of times where people have switched seats and just pretended to be the other person.

Me and Bebe walked down the hallway and into our English lesson. We were about 5 minutes late but we managed to sneak in without Mr Sinner catching us.
I slip into the seat between Kyle and Kenny, ignoring how my heart wanted to leap out of my chest. Bebe sat on the other side of the room with Clyde, Token and Wendy.
"I covered for you two in the register. I think I deserve a thank you." Kenny said jokingly.
"Thanks dude." I smiled and patted his broad shoulder. He smiled back.
I watched silently as his ocean blue eyes wandered over the classroom and landed on Marjorine.
Said girl turned her head and caught his gaze. He made a 'come hither' motion with his hand and she nervously looked at Mr Sinner. When she was sure that he wasn't looking she stood up and ran to the back of the class.
Kenny pulled the blonde onto his lap and wrapped his strong arms around her petit waist. Her pale green dress spread across both of their legs as she got comfortable.

It always made me smile when I saw Marjorine happy. I remember when she was so scared to come out as transgender but everyone was fine with it. Even Cartman kept his mouth shut and managed to not say anything mean to her.

I turned my head to look at the red head sat next to me. He was concentrating on the task Mr Sinner had set on the board. To be honest, I didn't even know what topic we were studying. Was it Romeo and Juliet still or had we moved on?
"Kyle, what are we doing?" I asked, making sure my voice was confident. He ignored me and carried on writing in his perfect handwriting.
"Kyle? What are we doing?" I repeated and he ignored me again. Okay, now I know that he is doing it on purpose.
"Kyle, Klye, Kyle, Kyle, Kyle, Kyle, Kyle, Kyle, Ky-"
"WHAT?" He shouted. A few people around us turned to look and a small blush painted his angry (beautiful) face.
"Woah guys, get a room." Cartman's voice broke the awkward silence in the classroom.
Everyone went back to their work when Mr Sinner started shouting at them.
"What?" Kyle said, quieter this time. For a small (cute) guy he sure had a lot of anger in him.
"What are we doing?" I asked for the third time.
"The work on the board." He said bluntly, returning his gaze to his workbook.
"Yeah but what are we learning about?"
"How do you not know that? We've been studying poetry for half a year!" Kyle threw his hands up in the air. Huh, so that's what subject we're doing.
"Not my fault." I mumbled and crossed my arms.
"Yes, it is your fault. It's you who chooses if you pay attention in class or not." The Jewish boy raged, clearly getting fed up of me.
"No it's not. Someone else distracts me!" Oh, classic me, always trying to point the blame towards anyone but myself.
"Oh really?" He asked sarcastically, "Who distracts you then? The boogie man?"
"None of your business." I growled and turned away. There is no way on Earth I would ever admit that Kyle was actually the person who was distracting me, no matter how goddamn adorable he is.

I can't believe it's taken me half a year to realise that it was Kyle that I had been distracted by this whole time. All the times I've just sat and stared at the back of his head, imagining how his hair would feel twisting around my finger. Why did I have to fall for Kyle? The one gorgeous lad that seems to hate me recently. Why does the universe hate me?

Fake? // Kyle Broflovski [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now