Chapter One - Separation

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© backonyx33


"Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad."
― Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


She stared off into the darkened street.

Flickering neon signs pointing ways to shady bars and shops were the only lights on the desolate street that Carrie had to avoid.

The high possibility that she was followed hung in the damp air causing an uneasy feeling in her stomach.

Her sharp gaze flicked from the swirling crumpled litter on ground to the distant end of the street where shadows danced in chanting circles.

Along the cramped street were overflowing bins and grimy alcoves which served a perfect place for surprise ambush, something that Carrie had too much experience with for her liking.

Her crouched position at the entrance of a dark alley leading onto the street gave her both cover and views of all directions.

Jimmy said that no one of the pack had been through the street in the week he had been watching the area but she still kept an eye out for threats.

She didn't trust his information, nor anyone else's these days. To do so would be suicidal.

A rowdy cry from one of the distant streets made Carrie flinch and then immediately scold herself for letting such a mundane voice get to her.

A small noise came from the wicker basket beside her that was piled with blankets as if to conceal something.

Carrie gently parted the fabric to reveal a small sleeping baby that was slowly chewing a finger, oblivious to the potential danger around her half asleep form.

She couldn't help her knuckles from lightly running down the soft cheeks of the infant with a sad smile on her face. Regret filled the woman's heart but she knew what she was doing was right.

Suddenly a shadow passed through the dim light.

In a flash, her muscles tensed and she crouched into a low defensive position. Her ears pricked and she listened to the sounds of the back street; rustling litter, dripping water, scratching nails of an animal in one of the far bins, breathing of the little one beside her.

"Show yourself!" She called out into the still air which cracked like a whip. Her sensitive eyes mapped the whole layout of the street for changes and finally rested a darkened patch of wall on the far side of the street.

The shadow on the wall moved slightly and her hand automatically went to the sharp blade of the knife in her pocket.

"Drop the knife Carrie, it's me." Came a low whisper from the shadow. Jimmy stepped out of the darkness, turned his face slightly to let the light fall onto his silver eyes to confirm that it was in fact him.

The small indents from old scars grew more distinctive with several leading up into his dark hair line. His jacket hood was pulled fully over his over his head to lower the chance of him being recognised.

"You can never be too careful in situations like this, you of all people know that," Carrie swallowed and let her hand fall from the cold blade. She wrapped her arms around the basket with the sleeping infant and brought it close to her chest. "Do you have everything ready?"

Jimmy nodded his head slightly, to afraid that if he spoke someone might overhear. He knew the dangers that went along with this task and if he were to be caught the consequences would be severe.

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