Chapter 2: My New Family,Again

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☆★☆NOTE: EACH chapter will be in either Alexia's or Connor's POINT OF VIEW. Not every chapter will be in a different perspective. Some chapters will stay in the same POINT OF VIEW. I do not know if there really is a Foster Care Until 2 hours away from L.A in CA. The picture above I made from a photo editing app.☆★☆

Connor's Point of View

1:00pm, Friday. Foster Care Unit.

I was just told by Ms. Parks, my handler, that I'm being adopted, again. It's been almost a year since the last time I was told this. Over the years, the interest in me went down. Most people like to adopt younger kids. 

It's like once you hit a certain age or point, the chances of you being adopted, goes down. I guess this is one of my last chances. I really don't want to be adopted anymore. I thought that would stop since it's been so long since someone had interest in me.

"So," I started to say, "When do I leave? Do I leave in a few days, a few weeks?"

"It's more like in 24 hours. You'll be moving two hours from this building. The family lives in L.A. Wouldn't that be great?" Ms. Parks replied.

"I guess." I said bluntly.

"Okay well, anyways, the family consists of a mom, a dad, and one daughter. The daughter is the same age as you, so you have someone who's the same age as you to talk to." she explained.

"I already have friends that are my own age." I said.

"Well- it might be- never mind. Just go and- " Ms. Parks started to say.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just go and pack to get ready for tomorrow. I know how this works way too well." I said while rolling my eyes and sighing.


I look outside the car silently as the scenery slowly changes into palm trees and more buildings. I honestly don't really care if I'm adopted anymore. I have no friends except the two that I keep in touch with, Coleman and Mathew. I already texted them and Mrs. Kelly that I'll be in L.A. Luckily, Mathew and Coleman moved there three years ago because of their fathers' work. My friends' fathers both work at the same company.

I arrived at the house. From the looks of it, this house looks quite large from the outside. The flower bed in the front of the house looks well kept and the looks like it was just mowed. There are a few palm trees in the front yard and sprinklers watering the grass.

I get out of the car with my luggage along with Ms. Parks. I use my hands as a sun visor to block the sun,it didn't help. We walked up to the house and rang the doorbell.

"Are you ready Connor?" Ms. Parks asked while smiling.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I replied back bluntly.

The door opened and I am greeted by a girl about my age. I guess she's the family's only daughter.

"Hi." she said while smiling, "Please, come in." We walked in and the girl walked us towards the family room. In the family room, there are family photos here and there of people smiling and laughing. The room is furnished nicely and clean. The room has white walls with a flat screen T.V on the wall.

"My parents will be down here shortly." the girl said. The girl has long auburn colored hair, piercing blue eyes,and long eyelashes. She's shorter than my height, 6'0", maybe about a head shorter. That means she probably is around 5'5" to 5"7.

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