Chapter1: Good News!

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☆★☆NOTE: The top picture is a picture from Google! The picture that's supposed to be Connor I got from Google from searching, cute boy nerds for one of my other stories. The picture doesn't look like he's a nerd though, but I kept it for future stories like this one!☆★☆

Alexia's Point of View

12:15 lunch time at Kennedy High School; Friday

"Hey Michelle and Kelly!" I said while sitting down at the lunch table.

"Hey Alex!" said Kelly. 'Alex' is a nickname for 'Alexia' that my friends call me.

"So, did your parents tell you what the news are yet?" Michelle asked.

"Nope. They say they'll tell me in a week and it's already been a week." I said while starting to eat an apple.

"Maybe they'll tell you today?" Kelly suggested.

"I don't know." I said. "What news would my parents have that would make me wait a week?"

"Mm, I don't know." Michelle said while starting to eat. We talked about random stuff during the rest lunch time before our fifth period starts. We always talk about random stuff every day, it's like a routine.


4:00 pm

I get off the bus to walk the rest of the way to my house.

Five minutes later I enter the house and my mom, Shelby, is already putting plates of food on the table. I like it when she cooks early sometimes. My dad is just watching football.

"Hey mom! So, what's so important that I have to wait for a week?" I asked curiously.

"Hey sweetheart! Your father and I can't tell you just yet! You'll have to wait until we all sit down at the dinner table." she said while smiling.

10 minutes later dinner started and I asked something I've been dying to hear for a week.

"So, what's the news dad?" I asked.

"Pumpkin, we're adopting a new child!" he said excitedly.

"What if something goes wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"Sweetheart, nothing is going to go wrong!" mom started to say, "We already started the paper work a few weeks ago and we just signed the final papers almost two weeks ago!"

"Eek! I can't wait to meet him or her! But, why didn't you tell me in the first place?" I said.

"We didn't want you to worry sweetie." my dad said.

"Um... okay. So, who is it?" I asked with curiosity.

"Well," mom started to say, "his name is Connor Nathaniel Peak, he's your age, about two months older than you, and he's coming Saturday,which is tomorrow!" I saw mom's face start to light up when she said 'tomorrow'. She's been through so much in her life. Miscarriages and failed adoptions throughout the past. Finally, an adoption went right this time. I won't be so lonely this time.

"What about his room? We only have your work office mom, but you need that." I said.

"Well, since we live in a such a big house and you have a big room that can fit at least 3 beds, he'll be with you until your father and I figure something out! We may clean out the office for him or he may just stay with you until one of you moves out!" my mom explained with a bright and happy face. I feel kind of worried about the sleeping situation but I don't want to argue and ruin my mom's happy attitude.

"What about his bed? There's only one in my room." I said

"Oh. About that, we already put the bed in your room. Yours is on one end of the room and his is on the other. Since all of your stuff is on one end, we didn't have to move any of yours at all." my dad said.

"Okay." I said.

Dinner was over and mom decided to show me a picture of Connor so I know what he looks like.

My mom handed me the picture and I asked, "This is him?" I saw her nod her head 'yes' in response.

"Now, you have to clean your room

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"Now, you have to clean your room. I already cleaned the bathroom and swept your new wood floors. Oh! You have to sweep the floors when you're done cleaning just in case. I left the broom in your room. You need to sweep the floors when you wake up. Conner is coming at 12:00." mom explained.

"Okay." I said before walking up stairs to my room. My room was fairly clean. I just had to hang some clothes up, throw some papers away, put my shoes up, and of course, sweep the floors.

You may think that a 16 year old girl would have a lot of decorations in her room. I only have some picture frames from when I was little, a royal blue bookshelf, a dresser to match with, white curtains on my windows, and a few stuffed animals from my childhood.


☆☆☆AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sorry chapter is kind of short! I'll try to make the next one longer where Alexia meets Connor! The chapter and all notes are 845 words!☆☆☆

In Love: With My Brother(#Wattys2016) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now