Chapter 4: First Date

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Chapter 4: First Date

Saturday couldn't come longer. I was was even more desperate than Dan was.

On Friday I had an essay to write but I didn't care because all I could think about was what I was going to say when I finally met him again.

"So, you like Starbucks, huh?

No, that was retarded, of course he liked Starbucks, why would he suggest if he didn't like it?

"So, John Green..."


"Cool hair."

What the hell? No that's... just no.

Alright so I couldn't think of anything clever to say. So maybe I could just sit there and nod like I usually do... It keeps people talking, but, seeing as I had no friends, it doesn't exactly make people like you. I'd just have to go with the flow and be natural and hope that didn't scare him away.

Saturday 11:00

I hoped I looked alright, my long black hair was let down and straightened (wouldn't want to scare him with my naturally curly mane) I had a white tee shirt with a band name on and and skinny jeans that were old and worn and too long so they were cuffed at the bottom. I put on my green hoodie, checked my reflection in the mirror again, and nervously went on my way.

In the tube. Out the tube. Off to Starbucks.

I stopped a few shops away and took a great big breath and then continued. When I came up to the glass of the store I squinted and tried to spot him. It wasn't too busy and I saw him after about 5 seconds of searching. He was on his phone. Okay, all I had to do was 1. open the door, 2. walk in, and 3. say hi. Simple enough.

Well firstly, I tried to push the door, when it clearly said PULL. I hoped no one saw that. I shuffled in. It smelled like coffee beans and vanilla and happiness. I walked over to the table and tried to say hi, but I lost my voice and it just came out as a croak. He didn't even look up. That was it, I was leaving. I couldn't do this. But just as I was going to leave he noticed me standing there and looked up from his phone.

"Oh, hey!" He smiled, "How long have you been standing there?" I opened my mouth, found no words, closed it again and smiled. He motioned towards the seat across from him and I sat down.

"So..." He started. I tried to calm the butterflies in my stomach, but god, he was so hot. So hot that I began to question myself. Why am I here? I don't get dates with hot guys. What was I thinking? What is he thinking?! I should say something. But what?

"Wanna get something to drink?" He asked. "Sure." I responded. We went up to the counter together. He ordered a caramel frap. "I er.. usually order something healthier.." he added, and i giggled, then I ordered a pumpkin spice latte. "My friend Phil likes those." He said while we were waiting for our drinks to arrive. We got our cups then sat back down at the table.

"So Willow, where are you from?" He asked, sipping through his straw. "I'm from Colorado." I responded, warming up my hands with the cup. "Cool. I've never been there myself."

I eventually warmed up to him and found that I could talk easily when I was around him. With other people, it felt like I always had to watch what I said or they would lose interest, but Dan seemed to have a lot of the same interests that I did. We talked more about John Green, and video games, and bands for about an hour.

"Yeah I got a charmander on my first day." I bragged. "How do you get a charmander that fast?! You have some serious poké skills." He responded. I blushed, because I don't normally get compliments, not even Pokémon ones. "Oh, I bet you say that to all the nerd girls you find in bookstores." He laughed.

I looked at the time on my phone, 2:11. Wow, time sure does fly. He did a great big sigh and cracked his knuckles, he did that a lot. "Well..." His voice trailed off. I got the hint, "Yeah, I probably should get back..." I trailed off as well. Get back where? My flat? My boring old room that you could hardly even call a home? "Right, yeah. Me too." He nodded his head. We walked out together. It was cool and crisp and a little bit chilly.

"It was great seeing you again." I said. He looked down at me and smiled, not the half smirk he usually did, but like, a real, two-sided, smile. He turned towards me and put his hands on my shoulders. I felt short again. "It was fantastic seeing you again Willow, and I hope we can see each other again, because most first dates don't go this well to be honest." That was hard to imagine. He slid his hands down my arms and grabbed my hands, "See you soon?" He asked, with hope in his eyes. "Absolutely." I smiled up at him. He grinned again and gave me a slight hug and then he was gone.

The cold breeze soon took the warmth of his hug away from me, and I felt alone again. But not for long because the whole date replayed in my head and it filled me with a warmth that kept me company all the way home.

+So, what'd ya think? Comment below, it really helps me out! And sorry it took so long, I just didn't want it to be crap. I spent ,like, 3 days deciding what Dan should order, lol.+

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