Chapter 2 Beast Wirt

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*Same rules apply, this is an AU so things will be changed. I recommend you watch Over The Garden Wall to understand this. The picture is by thebeast0ftheunknown on tumblr.*

The Unknown, a place where lost stories would reside in. Wirt and Greg are brothers that happened to get lost in this place.

Wirt and Greg started off to wonder around the woods and eventually came across a town filled with pumpkins, a boat filled with frogs, a man in a mansion believing in a ghost, a girl and her aunt, a school, and they also met a talking bluebird named Beatrice.

Now, a creature known as The Beast has taken Greg and concealed him in a tree stump. A man known as the Woodsman found Greg with the Beast using a lantern to light his way and went to go fight off the Beast with his axe, leaving his lantern where Greg was. Wirt and Beatrice walked towards the lantern and found Greg in the stump.

"Greg! Greg!"

Wirt ran over yogis little brother that was being consumed by adelwood. Greg smiled and looked at Wirt.

"Wirt... I did it. I beat the beast."

Greg coughed up some leaves.

"Aw geez the leaves are even growing inside of him.", Beatrice said.

"No I was just eating some leaves. I'm sorry Wirt."

"No no Greg," Wirt started tearing up," It's my fault we ended up here. Everything's my fault. I-I should've been more-"

"No Wirt I mean my rock facts Rock. I stole it."


"I stole it from Mrs.Daniels garden, I'm a stealer." Greg lifted up the rock, "And that's a rock fact."

"What? No Greg,that doesn't matter."

"It does matter.",He said then coughed up some more leaves." You have to return this for me Okay?"

"No, you can give it to her yourself. Come on we gotta get Jason Funderberker home, right?"

The frog Greg had then gave a croak.

"Jason Funderberker... The perfect frog name."

Greg then closed his eyes and rested on the stump.

"Greg? GREG?!"

"C'mon, Lets get him out of this!", Beatrice said as she flew toward the stump.

"Yeah." Wirt said as he wiped his eyes and began removing branches from Greg."Yeah"

As they removed the branches from Greg, the woodsmen fell in front of them dropping his axe. Making them gasp at the sight. Behind the woodsmen was the Beast standing there.

"Give me my lantern." He said as he held out his hand.

"No way we need this lantern!" Beatrice said as she flew toward the lantern.

"Yeah, I'm keeping this. I have to take Greg home."

"Your brother is too weak to go home, he will become a part of my forest."

"I won't let that happen!",Wirt said as he held up the lantern.

"Well then, perhaps we better make a deal."


"I can put his spirt in the lantern, and as long as the flames stays lit, he will live on inside. Take on the task of the lantern bearer... Or watch your brother perish."

Wirt sighed and said," Okay"


Wirt turned around to Beatrice," Hey! If I just leave him here he'll become a tree!"

Wirt walked over to the Beast holding the lantern. Beatrice called out Wirt's name again but Wirt gave her a glare.

"Ok Beast, put Greg's spirt in here."

Wirt held up the lantern to the Beast.

"Oh I will, but first you need to be the lantern bearer."

"Wait, What? I thought I already was."

"Not... Yet."

The Beast put his hand out to Wirt. Wirt gasped as branches and leaves started to grow over his body. 2 branches grew from the sides of his head like the Beast's. Some branches grew around his arms and legs. Wirt closed his eyes and opened them reveling the new eyes he had that resembled the Beast's eye colors, his pupils became red as the rest of his eyes turned to yellow,white, and blue.

"Now you are the lantern bearer."

Wirt stumbled around a little bit being dizzy from his transformation. The Beast snapped his fingers and a whisp of white came from Greg's body into the lantern.

"Keep the lantern lit."

That was the last thing the Beast said before he disappeared into the shadows.

The Woodsmen got up and looked at Wirt. He gasped at the sight of the new version of him and picked up his axe. Wirt turned around to the woodsmen and opened his mouth, about to say something but the Woodsmen backed away and ran in fear. Wirt turned to Beatrice and she looked at him in fear and disappointment and flew away.

He was then alone in the little circle with Greg's body being consumed by the adelwood. He looked into the lantern and whispered," Don't worry Greg, Your Ok."

A flash of blue light came and then Bipper appeared, floating in mid air. Everything stopped and the whole area became grey.

"W-who are you?!", Wirt said pointing at Bipper.

Bipper laughed and said," Hey kid! Listen, that's a pretty cool lantern there. If you come with me I can help you keep that lantern lit."

"B-but how can I trust you? And why would I come with you?"

"Look, I just appeared and I'm floating while this whole area is grey. But what I'm asking is, if you can help me on a little something."

"Like what?"

"Just a little world domination."

"World domination?"

"Yea you know, taking over the world?"

Wirt stayed silent and thought about what he was going to say. He looked at Bipper and said," That sounds like a good offer but, aren't there other helping us?"

"Thats why I came here! I need your help and other peoples help. C'mon! We've gotta go! Clock's ticking, Wirt."

"How did you know my name?"

"All things will be explained later just come with me."

Bipper held out his hand that was lit with a blue flame.

"Just take my hand and we'll get outta here!"

"Are you sure you can help me keep this lantern lit?"

"Yes Yes! Just take my hand!"

Wirt held Bipper's hand as they disappeared from the unknown.

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