~Part 2~

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Sophia~ I arrived at school and grabbed my bag. Everyone calls school 'hell' but I don't know, school isn't that bad. I think the only reason why everyone hates school is because they have to get up early.

Don't get me wrong, I hate waking up early too but I like seeing everyone. I also hate homework but oh well.

I got out of my car. I closed my door and locked it up.

"Hey Soph!" I heard from behind. I turned around and came face to face with Matt.

I looked into his eyes.

I'm sorry Matt. I'm so sorry.

"Why are you sorry baby?" He chuckled.

I looked down and let a tear out.

"Oh my god, baby what's wrong?" Matt said coming closer and wrapping his arms around me. He wiped my one tear away and kissed my forehead.

"I lost my favorite shirt." I told him. I had to lie. I can't tell him that I'm pregnant. That will ruin his future for sure.

He let out a small chuckle. "Really?" He asked laughing some more.

I nodded and he hugged me again. "I'll get you the same one" he laughed.

I slightly smiled and nodded. I think he's believing it. Hopefully.

"Let's get to class my lovely Soph." He said grabbing my hand and skipping to class. I couldn't help but laugh all the way. I didn't skip with him. I just jogged next to him.

He looked at me and laughed. "You're such a goofball." I laughed at him.

"Yeah, but I'm your goofball." He said tapping my nose and giving me a quick kiss.

"I'll see you in Chemistry." Matt said kissing me again. I nodded and smiled while walking into my classroom.

I was greeted by my best friend Megan. Megan has been my best friend since 5th grade when she moved here. She sat right next to me and we instantly became best friends. (That actually happened with my best friend and I so I decided to add it in here :))

Megan is the only one who knows about my pregnancy. I had to tell her because I needed someone to buy me a pregnancy test.

"How are you?" She asked me.

I shrugged and sat down. "I don't even know. I didn't puke today which is weird."

"Why is that weird? That's good!" She told me while the teacher walked in.

As our teacher was talking I was looking out the window. I loved when it was snowing and right now it was. It was Christmas break in 2 weeks and I couldn't be more excited.

Just as I was thinking about Christmas I felt something starting to come up. My eyes went huge and I turned to Megan.

"This is why it's weird that I didn't throw up today." I whispered to her and quickly got up.

"Mr Keller I need to use the restroom." I said to him while my arm was up.

"Now? I was just about to tell you all about the test coming up." He said sighing.

"I need to go now." I said running out not even waiting for a response.

I ran straight to the bathroom and threw up. I didn't think Megan would come but she showed up. She pulled my hair back and rubbed my back.


I cleaned up and flushed. "You need to tell Matt." Megan told me as we walked out.

My eyes went huge again and I quickly shook my head. "I can't!"

"Why not?" Megan asked.

"He has such a bright future and this would screw it up for him. I can't do that." I started to whisper "before I start getting big I'm going to break up with him."

"What why? You can't! He is going to be so heart broken and he will want an explanation. Then what?" She said with her hands on her hips.

"I-I don't know. I'll figure it out later. We have to get back to class." I told her while walking off.

She followed closely behind me as we walked into the classroom. As soon as we walked in the bell rang and everyone was running out of the room.

Megan and I grabbed our stuff and we started heading for the door. "Sophia, stay for a couple minutes."

"Mr. Keller, my next class is all the way across the high school." I sighed.

"I'll give you a pass. I need to talk to you." Mr Keller said.

I nodded and walked over to him as he talked to me.

Megan~ "what's he talking to her about?" Matt asked me while we watched them talk.

I shrugged and we saw Soph nod. She came walking out with her head hung low and Matt started walking over to her. I quickly followed behind him.

"What happened in there?" Matt asked Soph.

"Nothing." Soph said and Matt sighed.

"Soph, how come you aren't telling me anything anymore?" Matt asked as we reached Sophia's locker.

"I do tell you stuff." Soph said getting her books.

I cleared my throat and Matt looked at me. Soph quickly looked at me and shook her head slightly. Matt didn't notice though. I sighed and looked down.

"I'll see you two at lunch." I told them as I started walking to my next class.


"What're you hiding from me?" Matt asked. As soon as he asked that the bell rang.

I sighed in relief and shut my locker. "We have to get to Chemistry" I said swallowing hard and starting to walk.

Matt caught up to me. "We will talk about this later" he whispered in my ear as we walked into class.

Matt and I sat down and I looked out the window again. It stopped snowing... Dang it.

Pregnant by Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now