Chapter 6

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Lucy's POV
Ian starts driving then we realize that we are almost out of gas. Luckily, we had enough to get to the nearest gas station. We pulled to a pump and he starts pumping the gas into the tank. I look over at him and I couldn't help but just smile. As soon as he looks back I turn my head. Then I look again and he's still looking at me. We start to laugh a little and he gets back to pumping the gas. As soon as he's done he gets back in the car. "Oh by the way Luce". "What?"I say in a happy voice while smiling. Ian replies with "I have no idea where the hell Im going". We both break out into laughter. "Well I can fix that" I said. I plug in my mom's address into the GPS and Ian follows the directions. About half way though the drive after talking for a while Ian says "How about some.... Road Between?" as he pulls out a CD version of my hit album Road Between. "Oh god please no" I say begging him not to insert the disk as he is...well... inserting the disk. "Baby you sound good to me" comes on and he starts singing and tapping his fingers on the wheel to it. "Baby you sound- come on Lucy!" Finally I cave in and we both start singing in unison "m-m-m like a melody, baby you sound good- to me!" as we finish up the song we start laughing. Then, one of the saddest songs off my album, "Nervous Girls", comes on. Our laugh ends and we just stared at each other. As the song plays, I move closer to Ian from my seat and pull his face toward mine to kiss me. We kiss but he is carful to keep his eyes on the road so we don't crash into anything. Then, before we know it, we are at my mom's house!

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