Chapter 13

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5 months later...
Lucy- You want some more syrup?
*struggles to get though the kitchen as result of bigness.
Ian- Luce, this place is to small for you. Imagine how it will be at 8-9months.
Lucy- I'm fine here. Ian we've been through this before.
Ian- I know but, just think about it. My house is way much bigger. No offense.
Lucy- None taken but, I'll th-
*runs over to sink and throws up
Ian- Let it out Lucy, Let it out. *rubs Lucy's back.
Lucy- I'm okay.
Ian- good
*kiss very passionately
Ian's POV
Lucy looks up. "Ian, your right. I think I should move in".
My eyes light up. "Are you sure? Your not gonna regret it are you?. "God no" she says.We both smile and then kiss. And Kiss, and kiss. Then one thing leads to another, and you could guess what happened next. We head down stairs to Lucy's apartment offices, then filled out a leave slip. We cooked pasta for dinner and the next day, we started packing Lucy's things. " Wow Lucy, how many Tampon boxes do you have?". "Whatever. Won't be needing them right now". I smile. "Im sorry". I kiss her cheek.
2 hours later
We leave the stuff like some of the furniture and the fridge and all that, And call up a movers truck. We load off all the stuff, and the movers help bring it into my house. "I think my coach lamp can go here, Oh! And the chaise could go here, and then the kitchen stools can replace those ones that you have on your island". "Uhh okay?" I reply. Where am I going to put the stuff she replaces? After a whole night of in packing and settling, we finally got to bed around 2:00am. We eat breakfast and head out to the set. We walk in and go to our dressing rooms."IAN, LUCY, WE NEED YOU ON STAGE!" We both here Marlene call. We both run into each other on our way to the stylist. We get to the stylist booth and there is not a soul there. We go to stage any way but, the lights are completely off. "What the hell" Lucy says. "Where is everyone one?" Suddenly, the light turn on and the next thing I know, everyone Lucy and I know is right in front of us yelling "SURPRISE!". Apparently, all the stuff that Lucy's mom and Maggie were planing with us was fake, and they were planing this surprise baby shower the whole time. Marlene gave us a $500 pottery barn baby gift card, and a teddy bear. Ashley gave us an Honest company baby set. A certain type of baby laundry detergent. And a rocking chair. Shay gave us a baby crib comforter set, and some baby sleeping spray. Keegan gave us a rocking horse he made himself, and a Johnson & Johnson's baby bath time gift set. Tyler gave us a baby bassinet, and a a night light. But there was one gift that Lucy started to cry at. Troian's two gifts. "Since the baby is a girl, I got her a pink blanket" Troian said. "I can see that" Lucy said. "Thank you Troi" we both say. "There's more"She says. Right at the bottom of the bag, there was a scrapbook, the first 3 pages filled with picture of all of us. When we first met, and recently. "When the baby is born, we are gonna take pictures to fill this thing up, so when I'm gone, she can look at all the good times her and I had together". Lucy and I started cry a little. At the back of the book, there read on a piece of paper. "Love, Aunt Troian"and the date. I hug Troian and say thank you. Lucy hugs Troian and starts to cry a lot more. "Thank you". They both start to cry a little. "No prob. We should stop crying" they both laugh a little. "Then again, it's probably just the hormones". We all start laughing. Next we all have cake that Ashely and Shay made. Lucy ate most of it. Then, Lucy and Troian spend the night at our house, while I spent the night at Tyler's with him and Keegan.

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