{2} Greetings ~

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Edward Cullen's P.O.V. :

"What just happened?!" Bella yelled.

"I'm not sure.... but what I know is that those three were not human."

"Edward, you are not the type to eavesdrop, why did you start now?" Bella accused.

"Because...." I felt my eyes grow wide remembering that there was a parking lot in the back of the cafe, and how that man must be back there now. "Bella, I'll be right back." I opened the car door. "Stay here in the car." I emphasized on the word stay, hoping she would heed on my words. I closed the car door, and dashed at top speed. I left people in my way with a gust of wind whisking their hair into a mess; I ignored my effect on bystanders and kept focus on my main objective.

I soon arrived and hid behind a car. I saw Damon carry Rose into a black car, their thoughts swirled in chaos. I noticed her skin was burning red, but as the seconds passed her skin was progressively returning to a normal hue. "You're going to be ok." Damon soothed.

"I know, I just...."

"Who was behind this?"

"I don't know, where's Slater?"

"Who the hell knows?"

"He's not behind this he's a good guy, he wouldn't betray me."

"Then who did?"

"It's Klaus don't you understand. You don't know this man Damon. Were all dead." The woman began to cry at the reality of her words. I saw Damon with a grim look on his face.

"Wait here Rose."

"Where are you going?"

"Take a nap, I'm going to greet a friend, I'll be back shortly.." He closed the door, and started walking in my direction. "The car won't protect you." He stated.

I slowly stood up and met his eyes. "What do you want? Wait a second, you look exactly like Stefan. How comical, I get to kill my brother look-a-like." He grinned a half-smile.

"I don't think violence will be the answer. And I don't think you can. But I think an introduction is a good start. My name is Edward Cullen, and I heard you talking to your friends, and wanted to know more."

"What do you mean I can't kill you?"

"Why do your friends burn in the sunlight?"

"Why does your girlfriend sparkle?"

"I want answers."

"I don't have time for this." Damon lunged at me; the bottom perimeter of his eyes bulged with veins and turned a crimson red, as he ran towards me. I quickly blocked him and sped to a different part of the parking lot I could feel an invisible matter coat my skin at the same time, Bella of course didn't stay in the car. Damon's face contorted with confusion.

"I think I can be of assistance with this man named Klaus."

"What are you?" Damon questioned a puzzled expression on his pale face.

"How can you help my wife and I?"

"I don't think right now is a good time for me to have a discussion. Tonight eight o'clock at Mystic Grill. We won't have an opportunity to wring out each other's necks in a public place."

"'Till tonight then." I raced out of the parking lot finding Bella at the exit. "I told you to stay in the car."

"You thought I'd listen? But never mind that who's Klaus and who is that man, Edward please explain to me what's happening."

"Bella, something strange is occurring. There are vampires other than us in this town. The man I was speaking with is named Damon and he seems to know a way to walk in the day without being affected by the sunlight, Bella we can finally have a chance at near humanity."

"Edward, I don't think it's a good idea to get involved with him."

"Damon won't be a problem."

"I'm talking about Klaus. We have endangered the lives of our family, multiple times, I just don't..."

I interrupted her with a kiss to the lips. "Don't worry Bella. I know the boundaries this time, I'm creating a plan and we will all be safe." I held her face between my hands, and swiftly moved a loose strand of hair from her face and placed it behind her ear; I pressed my lips on her forehead and sighed. "We should go and tell Carlisle."

We walked to the car and drove off, headed home with our memories.

"Edward, I don't understand." Carlisle questioned.

"It's true, this vampire isn't affected by light but his friends are, but he does know how to help them, he could help us too."

"But Edward, they burn in the sun, we don't. How did another breed of vampires come to exists?"

"I'm hoping he has an answer. Plus he doesn't know that you guys exist, he only knows Bella and I aren't human. I will protect her with everything I have if things turn for the worst...."

"We'll be with you every step of the way." Esme walked up behind Carlisle, flashing a petite smile at him then me.

"Edward, who are they?" Alice appeared. I saw in her mind a still image of Damon and another man with bronze gelled up hair, that must be Stefan, and they seemed to be speaking with a girl with brown straight air, and dark brown eyes. But it continued to another image of the same woman but she was in a narrow cave, ghostly pale and speaking to the brothers. Jasper came behind Alice, feeling the tension grow as I viewed her mind.

"Alice, I only know Damon, but I think the man next to him is Stefan, his brother. What I don't know is the girls' name, or who she is."

"What's the gossip today?" I heard Rosalie say in her head as she walked down to the living room.

"I don't want everyone to be involved in this." I breathed.

"Too late." Emmett arrived to attend our two-person conversation into a family meeting.

I sighed. "Bella, you can also come in." Bella tip-toed her way towards me, she wanted to wait outside for my return, but decided to come in.

"I have to meet with him today in an hour, in a town called Mystic Falls. I imply that it is infested with the supernatural other than vampires."

I heard Alice speak in her head; she was directing a question towards me. "Do you want me to take Bella in another direction?" I heard her say.

I quickly nodded.

"I will let all of you know what he tells me, once I return." I put on my jacket, and headed towards the exit, I quickly kissed the love of my eternity goodbye.

"I'm not staying Edward." Bella's face turned serious.

Alice interrupted, standing next to Bella. "We can go shopping, and catch up on stuff, please Bella; I haven't gotten the chance to speak with you in a while." She pleaded, her golden eyes grew wide.

Bella glanced at me with sad eyes, she allowed me to hear her thoughts. "You can't just hide me every time a problem arises. I'm not human anymore Edward. You're lucky I love Alice too much to turn down her offer." She kissed my cheek, and stepped back word, grabbing Alice's hand forcing a smile at her.

It ached to know I inflicted this sadness onto her, I would do anything to protect her life and I have proved it before, I don't want her life to be risked again. I sprinted out to the car before I could rethink my decision.

I opened the door to Mystic Grill; the smell of human food assaulted my nose. I was seated by a waitress near a pool table, and decided to observe the people around me while I pretended to look interested at the food items on the menu.

There was a teenage girl with coco colored skin, and brown curls below her shoulders, speaking with a man with a shaved head, and the same skin tone.

"Luca...." She began her voice sweet sounding. Her thoughts informed me she wasn't very excited to seeing this man again.

"Hey Bonnie I'm sorry about earlier, my dad is not very subtle, the whole Bennett-Salem question. He picked up on you." Luca began to fiddle with the salt shaker, unscrewing the lid. "He was just fishing around, he didn't mean any harm."

"I felt something too." Bonnie replied, in her sweet tone, a current of fear hidden deep in her voice.

"I know, that's why we're having this conversation right now. He doesn't like anyone to know." Luca began to spill the jar of salt onto the table and continued speaking. "But we were both worried that you would nail us." Luca looked over his shoulder trying to make sure no one in his surroundings was watching him. He put his hand over the spilt salt and the salt particles began to float in mid-air. I was utterly shocked and confused; I wondered the rest of the secrets this town hides. The look on Bonnie's face wasn't a very surprised one, like she has already witnessed this before. "He just wants us to fit in for once, its tough Bonnie, being different."

"You're a witch?" Bonnie finally spoke.

"Well, we prefer the term warlock." Bonnie smiled as a response. I decided to drop their conversation, as I could hear Damon's voice already walking towards the entrance. My mind buzzing with questions, wishing he knew the response to them all.

Damon rudely ignored the waitress, and walked towards me. He walked right passed me and to the bar stools. I stood up and followed him, sitting right next to him.

The bar attender immediately sat two shot glasses with whiskey on the table in front of us.

Damon gestured for me to take a glass, but I politely refused.

"What? Not thirsty for whiskey, how about a cute blond?" Damon asked a smirk on his face.

"I don't drink human blood, and not in the mood for a shot."

"Oh no. Don't tell me, bunnies and squirrels are your thing too?" Damon groaned. "You and Stefan would make a great couple."

"Your brother doesn't drink human blood?"

"No he's a goody- two- shoe. Sparing humans. I feel like he forgets he can just compel them to forget. Did that make sense?" Damon questioned, and a swallowed a whiskey shot.

"Compel? Do you and your brother have special abilities?"

"Yes, well all vampires can hypnotize humans, you being the exception it seems... What can you do?"

"I can read minds."

"Fancy. You got favored by the gift bearers."

"Gift bearers?"

"I'm making stuff up." Damon replied. "So what are you again?"

"A vampire." I simply replied.

"And your girlfriend?"

"She's my wife. Also vampire."

"How come she sparkles, and what's up with your eyes?"

"That's how all the vampires I know are, you being the exception. And my eyes darken as I grow thirstier."

"How are there two types of vampires?" Damon asked.

"I was hoping you knew the answer."

"Are you sure you're not a fairy?" I rolled my eyes at his question. "Just making sure..." He muttered.

"So how come you can walk in the daylight without being affected, but your friends are?"

"Do you believe in witches?"

"You mean, the one sitting over their?" I pointed at Bonnie. "Not until today." Damon raised his eyebrow.

"Well a long time ago a witch cast a spell on this ring, making it have the magical ability to make me walk in the sun." He tapped on his ring, a small blue lapis lazuli stone sat on top of his coven signature

"Thank you, Damon. That is all I needed to know. I will be out of your universe soon." I stood up inching towards the exit when Damon roughly gripped my arm pulling me back down.

"How can you help me with Klaus?" His face transitioned into an aggressive look.

"Is that your brother over there?" Damon released my arm and scanned the bar and waved his brother to come over, giving me a weird gaze as he was puzzled by how I knew who he was.

Stefan's bronze hair was gelled upward, thick eyebrows, and green eyes. He raised his eyebrow when he noticed me. "Hello?" Stefan greeted, glancing at Damon.

"This is Edward Cullen. Edward meet my younger brother Stefan Salvatore." Damon introduced, a wide grin played on his face.


WOO HOOO i like realllyyyyyyyy love this story!!!!!! and i reallyyyyyyyyyy hope you do too!!! Please don't be shy, leave me a comment if I did anything you liked, and constructive criticism is welcome!!!!

Thank you for reading. Please vote, comment, and fan!!!!


And these quotes from Damon and Rose talking to eachother are from the same episode of The Vampire Diaries as the previous chapter!!

Please keep following along to see how Twilight and The Vampire Diaries unfold with each other!!!!

Please and thankshaaaa

---------->>> xoxox <<<----------

- cookiemuncher - (loves you) (a lot)

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