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I didn't look at Derek as the four of us left the vet clinic. I headed for my car and Stiles headed for his Jeep. I didn't know what Scott and Derek were planning to do, but I knew that neither of them were coming with us. 

I reached into my pocket for my car keys when a hand grabbed my elbow, gently to stop me in my tracks. I could hear his heartbeat start to race, and the scent that fanned my nose told me it was Derek. I didn't turn around to look at him; I couldn't do it. 

I wasn't in the mood to be sassy or cold-hearted toward him and my voice came out small. "Let me go, Derek," I whispered softly.

"Sarah, please—" I turned my head so to face him with a sad and angry look in my eyes, tears threatening to fall down my cheeks. "I didn't know," he whispered. 

I tried to laugh coldly, but I just choked on my tears instead. I yanked my arm out his hand and turned to him completely. "Of course, you didn't, Derek," I agreed coldly. "You said so yourself on the phone—we weren't friends. I only tolerated you back then because of her. The only reason you know my name is because of her. It all goes back to her." Each time I indirectly mentioned her, he got a little more sad. 

Good, I thought, let him feel how I have felt for so long.

"I'm sorry, Sarah," he said softly. 

I shook my head. "Don't apologize to me. It means nothing because I'm not the one you need to apologize to," I whispered. 

He looked as though I hit him with a truck. "I apologized to her more than you think," he said. 

"Sarah? You ready to go?" Stiles asked me from his Jeep. 

I took a deep breath to calm my beating heart and I called back, "Yeah, just a sec, Stiles." I looked back at Derek, who wore an expression that told me he wanted to tell me something. "My brother doesn't know the whole story, Derek. He just knows that I turned that year. So, don't tell him anything," I warned him. 

Derek shook his head. "I won't, Sarah. That's your story to share," Derek promised. 

"Same goes for you, Scott," I murmured under my breath. "I know you're listening in. Don't tell him any of what you heard." I knew he was listening because he was curious and I could sense his own sadness when I was talking to Derek.

"Sorry. And I won't." His voice came through loud and clear, but I could tell he was whispering to himself. And he was bashful now that he had been caught eavesdropping and I found it adorable; like a lost puppy.

I looked back up into Derek's pale green eyes. They seemed to hold me in my place, like I didn't want to leave. But, I definitely did.

"As much as I'd rather you stayed away from my brother, I know it's not likely," I grumbled. "You're trying to help Scott and those two are stuck at the hip like conjoined twins. So, I'm warning you—if you're gonna be around either of them, then you better protect them with your life," I said. "And try to keep me out of it. I don't need to go getting myself involved with hunters or Alphas." I added. 

I didn't give him a chance to reply; just turned around and headed for my car. My heart was jumping all over the place, but, I didn't care if Scott and Derek could hear it.

I climbed into my car and took a deep breath. I watched Stiles climb into his Jeep with a final goodbye to his best friend before Scott walked over to Derek.

Derek had his eyes on my car the whole time while I backed out of the clinic parking lot. It hurt my heart and made every muscle in my body want to shut down, but I tried to keep it together until I got back to the house and was safe in my own bedroom.

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