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"Why am I always stuck in the backseat? Why aren't we ever riding around in my car?" I grumbled to my brother and his best friend as we stopped at the gas station.

"You wanted to come with us. Not the other way around," my brother shot back as I climbed out of the Jeep after Scott.

"We could've still taken my car. I don't drive it much since I've been home," I pouted, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Then maybe you should stop taking walks in the woods to meet up with your boyfriend," my brother countered back.

I growled defensively and my eyes glowed blue, which made him step away from me.

"Sarah," Scott warned. I stepped back, too, and closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath. 

Did I just let a teenager tell me to back off? 

Stiles has been pointedly cross with me ever since he found out that Derek and I had kissed on two different occasions. When he found out, I thought he was going to have a fucking barnyard. His face turned red and he was extra spaz-tastic. And it was starting to get on my nerves the way he was throwing it in my face.

I love my brother, but I also want to strangle him.

"It's been three fucking days, Stiles. Three days since you found out that we kissed. He's not my boyfriend. And I swear if you call him that one more damn time, you'll wake up one morning with claw marks on the side of your precious Jeep," I warned my brother. "Just let it go."

I stalked inside the gas station, seething with enough anger to go full-on wolf, but I managed to stay in control the whole time. I went to the drinks section and grabbed a bottle of Mountain Dew.

As I walked up to the counter, my hearing zoned in on someone's erratic heartbeat. I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head to get it to stop, but it didn't. The fast beating of the heart, the blood pumping into the organ, was loud in my ear. 

Whoever's heart was beating was scared shitless about something.

I gritted my teeth and put the heel of my hand to my ear like I was itching it as I walked up to the counter. "You okay, miss?" the cashier asked me, raised her eyebrow.

"Yeah, just got a terrible ringing in my ear," I lied smoothly to her. She scanned my bottle and gave me a strange look while I payed for my soda. "Problem?" I asked her sweetly, giving her a sarcastic smile. She shook her head, wiping the look off of her face quickly. I swiped my Mountain Dew from the counter and flashed her a big grin as I walked out the door.

When I got back to the Jeep, Stiles was back inside and Scott was waiting for me. "We gotta find Jackson," Scott told me as I climbed into the back seat.

"Was that who's heartbeat I was hearing?" I questioned.

Yeah," Scott answered.

"I thought you two hated him and he hated you? Why do we have to find him?" I asked.

"The other night at the game, I overheard Kate ask Allison's dad if someone could be turned by a scratch. Jackson has marks on his neck from Derek's claws. So, now the Argents think that Jackson's a werwolf," Scott explained before telling Stiles to make a left.

I furrowed my brows. "Okay, you two really have to catch me up to speed. The Argents know there's a third werewolf besides me and Derek, but they don't know it's you?" I asked.

"Right. The night of my first full moon, I was running through the woods and ran into Derek. Then some hunters found us. He tried to get me to run with him, but Allison's dad shot an arrow at me and I got stuck on a tree. They saw both of us, and already knew Derek, but they didn't actually see my face because it was dark," Scott said.

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