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It was mid-afternoon when I got home and Stiles wasn't home yet. Derek had to sneak into Stiles's room through his window, but I used the front door. My dad was home so I had to play it cool and be human about it.

I walked inside the house, pulling my earbuds from my ears, and my dad came out of the kitchen. "Where have you been?" he asked me. He wasn't accusing me of anything and he didn't sound angry, just curious. "Have you been gone all day?"

I let out a laugh. "No, of course not, Dad. I went on my run after you and Stiles left this morning. I had to go back out because I lost my phone. Had to go find it," I lied to him smoothly.

I hate how easy it's become to lie to him.

The front door swung open and my brother ran right past us and up the stairs. "Well, hello, to you, too, baby brother!" I yelled after him, making my dad chuckle. He headed up the staircase and my eyes widened as I followed after him quickly.

If Dad see Derek...we're fucking screwed.

"Hey, Stiles?!" my dad called, rounding the corner toward Stiles's room. 

"Yo, D...Derek," he said Derek's name more quietly, but I heard because of my ears. "I, um..."

I groaned inwardly as Stiles came rushing out of his room, cracking his door behind him.

"What'd you say?" my dad asked my brother. 

"What? I said 'Yo, Dad'," my brother said like it was supposed to be obvious. I rolled my eyes at his lack of the ability to lie. 

"Listen, you two, I've got something I've got to take care of, but, um, I'm gonna be there tonight. I mean, your first game," Dad told Stiles. 

"My first game. Gosh, great. Awesome. Uh...good," Stiles rambled nervously. 

I glared at my brother, who just ignored me. "I'm very happy for you. And I'm really proud of you," our dad said. 

"Thanks. Me, too. I'm happy...and proud...of myself." God, my brother is awful at this. It's such a good thing that he doesn't play poker. 

"So, they're really gonna let you play, right?" Dad asked him. 

"Yeah, Dad. I'm first line," Stiles answered. "Believe that?"

My father chuckled and shook his head. "I'm very proud," he said. 

"Oh, me, too," Stiles said. "Again, I'm.... oh," he said. My dad went to give him a hug and Stiles let go of his door as it closed completely. I let out the breath I was hold. "Huggie... Huggie, huggie," my brother rambled as my dad released him and turned to hug me, too. 

"I'll see you at the game, Dad. Be careful," I told him. "I love you."

"I love you, too, sweetheart. I'm always careful," he told me as he headed down the staircase again. 

Once he was gone, I turned to my brother and glared at him. I shoved him inside of his room and shut the door. When I turned around again, Derek grabbed him by his jacket and pushed him against his door, getting in Stiles's face. "If you say one word..."

"Oh, what, you mean like, 'Hey, Dad, Derek Hale's in my room. Bring your gun'?" Stiles said to Derek. 

"Stiles!" I hissed. 

But Derek just stayed quiet and loosened his grip on my brother's jacket. "Yeah, that's right. If I'm harboring your fugitive ass, it's my house—" the back of his hand popped Derek's shoulder, "—my rules, buddy." I groaned and threw my hands up in the air as I sensed all the testosterone. 

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