Chapter 1

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(Ezra's P.O.V )

"Jeez Chopper!" Kanan yells. He was now on the floor as Chopper did multiple apologetic tones. This was the second time for the week that Kanan tripped over Chopper.

 "Sorry, somehow I can never sense you." Kanan says, still on the floor. I rush over and help Kanan stand again. He was still getting used to using the force as his alternative to sight. "Thank you.... Ezra." He says.

 " Any time." I reply quickly. I need to get back to the Sith Holocron. Lately, I've been spending a lot of time with the Holocron. As I was walking back to the supply closet where I have the Sith Holocron, Hera stops me " Hey, Ezra, do you mind helping me move some boxes to the Med Bay?" She asks.

 " Oh, uhm.. Of course not" I reply, taking the boxes from Hera's arms. "Oh, and if you don't mind, there is some more boxes in the cockpit. " Hera adds. 

"Okay." I reply, nodding. As I'm walking to the Med Bay, Zeb sticks out his foot, tripping me. I turn my head to Zeb and yell, "What the heck, Zeb!? "

 He laughs, "Kid it was just a jo- WOAH, Ezra your eyes!" "What about them?" I ask. "They were r-red. " Zeb stutters. "Are you sure?" I ask. " Well, maybe, it wad probably just a trick my eyes played on me.. Hey kid, I'm sorry" Zeb says, helping me back up and putting the boxes back into my arms. 

"Yeah, no problem" I say slowly. Zeb awkwardly smiles and quickly walks away. 

I finish putting away the boxes and then I put away the other boxes that were in the cockpit. As I walk past the main room, I see Zeb whispering to Hera. "What's the secret?" I ask. 

The two of them jump."Ezra! Oh, nothing really.. just talking about the different fruits at the market place." Hera says quickly.

"Yep, like the purple one." Zeb adds in quickly. I nod and walk away. Trying to get them to tell me what they were talking about is like making Kanan leave his hair out... it will never happen.

I hop into the closet and pull up the sith holocron. I cross my legs and start to meditate. I open and close it a couple of times and then I decide to finally go deeper into the secrets the holocron holds.

The closet door flies open. I drop the holocron in fear. I open my eyes to reveal an upset Kanan. "Ezra.." he says disappointedley. "K-Kanan!" I reply. I stuff the holocron onto the shelf, even though he can't see it. "But I can sense it." Kanan replies. Get out of my thoughts. "Sorry." Kanan says. 

"Do you want to explain what you're doing with a Sith Holocron?" He asks sternly. "Not exactly" I reply back. "I know I said it in the form of a question, but I wasn't really giving you an option." "Ohh." I reply back. 

"Is something bothering you? " Kanan asks as he sits next to me. "No. Maybe. I don't know." Kanan stays silent, allowing me to continue. "It's just that..I feel kind of useless." I admit. "You don't have to resort to 'that' to feel usefull!" Kanan says.

"Don't I? Kanan, I think I'm actually getting somewhere with this thing! If I use this I can get revenge-" I say, getting cut of by Kanan. "Revenge?! Where are you getting this from? I always teach you to never stray to revenge! Is this because of the Holocron?" He says outraged.

"Well, maybe a little, I mean it gives me some ideas an-" I say as Kanan cuts me off.. again. " ZEB MOVE!" Kanan yells. I jump at how loud he is. I hear a loud bang and it's followed by heavy footsteps. "Huh?" I asked, confused.

"He was listening in on our conversation." Kanan says, calmly. "Oh." I reply. "He's gone now." Kanan says, assuringly. "How about we save this for a next time.. maybe like never." I say, trying to escape. 

Kanan quickly grabs my arm, canceling my chance of escape. "Just promise me you won't go to the dark side. I'm supposed to make the decision up to you but, I just.. I just don't want to be deprived of you, Ezra." 

I nod my head, "Yeah, I won't turn to the dark side." "Thank you Ezra. " Kanan smiles as he lets go of my arm. I leave the closet to go and find Hera...

                                      *×*×*×*×*×*×*(Kanan's P.O.V) *×*×*×*×*×*×*

As soon as Ezra leaves, I start searching for the holocron with the force. After patting almost everything on the shelf, I finally find the holocron. I place it in my pocket. 

"Hera, I'll be back." I say as I pass her in the hallway. " Kanan, be careful" Hera replies. "Mmhm " I say. I say walking out of the ship. I need to get rid of this. I grip onto my light saber tightly. 

If Ezra finds out about this... he'll probably hate me. But it's either I lose him forever or he won't talk to me for a while. So, I rather this option of him not talking to me. 

I walk into the tall grass that rubs against my legs and lower torso and place the holocron on the ground. I pull out my light saber. I hold it over my head and swing downward onto the sith holocron. It doesn't shatter right away but it makes a ton of cracking noises. I put more force and grunt and then I feel my saber go through the prism. 

I dig a hole and push the pieces into it. I cover the hole, put the light saber into my pocket, and get up. I dust off my pants as I walk. Hopefully Ezra won't be too mad..

>>To Be Continued<<

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