Chapter 6

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I stood up at the microphone and started to sing. My voice was horrible and I was singing off key. But I decided to keep going and weirdly enough the whole experience was fun. My singing was awful but me singing in this room made me feel energized. Someone wanted to hear my singing. I heard someone say " Ok that was decent Myra, now you can go again. The music started again and I started to sing again. It became a task. It was suddenly work. About 1 million takes later I was exhausted. The people through the window told me I could leave now for my next thing and I wondered what they meant. I had a few questions about what was going to happen to my song but I decided not to. I was pretty sure I had disappointed a few people. I wasn't a big talent. By the time I was out of the room and ready to do something else Alicia was there and took my hand and told me the next thing would be training. I wondered what she meant as she led me down the hall into what looked like a gym and a salon mixed together. The ceiling was high and there were mats on the floor. Around the sides were mirrors and a what looked like salon tables. " So Mayra the trainer will explain everything to you and get you ready to be, ummmm, presentable. " " Well that will be good. " A man started to walk towards me and when he saw me he scowled and said " My name is Andy and I will be helping you become," he paused and continued " not everyone's worst nightmare." Alicia decided to back up and I knew I needed to stay. Andy walked up to me and I was worried he would slap me but instead he pushed my shoulders and back up and then started to walk me to one of the tables but he was looking at me and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't stay in the position he wanted me to stand in. Andy grabbed a few books out and stacked them on my head and said " I will punch you if you let those fall. " At the table a woman sat and as soon as the woman saw me she looked horrified and suddenly rushed to a door and said " Stop everything we have an emergency!" A door swung open and bunch of ladies rushed out and swarmed me and pushed me into the back. Everything in the back was pink and covered with sparkles. Quickly on of the ladies shoved me into a shower stall and before I could even get my clothes off the shower started. The water was warm but it was horrible being in clothes while water was on me. I took my clothes off and tossed them out of the shower stall and I realized my books were still on me. I threw them off and I heard one of the ladies run over. I started to wash myself and then I used of of the products in the shower. When I got out I ran and one of the ladies grabbed me and started to dress me. I didn't even have the time to see what it looked like when another lady grabbed me and took me to a stand where a few other ladies started to pull out supplies and they started to clip my nails. Then I was swarmed and I don't really know what happened after that but I do remember going to look at myself in the mirror. In the mirror was one of the prettiest girls I have ever seen. Her fashion seemed to match her skin and her eyes seemed to shine. Her hair was slightly curled and her skin seemed to glow. I couldn't recognize myself. I wasn't really a Hollywood celebrity but I was someone who would stand out. I had once thought of myself as someone who wanted to be involved with the film industry but I had never felt good enough. After a few seconds one of the ladies tapped on my shoulder and said " I think it is time that you go to the circle. I hope that we have prepared you enough." I turned and all of a sudden things came rushing back. I wasn't a Hollywood celebrity. I got up and none of the people around me seemed to look at me. I walked past them and turned hoping that I would find the room. I found a door that lead to a hallway and at the middle of the hallway was a elevator. The idea of a elevator here seemed strange. I wondered what they had meant by the circle. The way everyone had seemed to prepare me all of a sudden made me feel like I was about to be sacrificed. I walked down the hall and pushed the up button on the wall next to the elevator. The elevator slowly came down and when it reached me it opened. I suddenly realized that I was all alone. The place I had been had been a small makeup room. It was weird that there was a staff but nobody had passed me in the hallway since the time I had gotten here. Strange. I thought. I walked into the elevator which had marble walls and gold lined in some places. The floor was a white square with a golden circle in the middle. I stood in the middle of the circle as the elevator started to rise. As it rose the walls around me started to become see through. I was passing what looked like an aquarium. The elevator was rising quickly as the air around me cooled. The area outside the walls changed to darkness and the lights in the elevator which I had not seen anywhere seemed to go out. I stood trying not to panic as I traveled up. I don't know how I managed to not scream or cry since people had showed up at my house. The darkness seemed to last forever and when it cleared I was surrounded by blinding light. The ceiling seemed to disappear and I was exposed without walls in the middle of large room. The circle I stood on was the only thing left of the elevator. The room around me was full of people. Everyone wore clothes like me and seemed to also had gotten a makeover. The room was cold and pillars held up four places in the room. The room was decorated with a few plants but was mainly bare. The floor was weirdly clean and the ceiling seemed to be about 7 feet high. Everyone around me seemed to be a celebrity. People talked and chatted. A few people stood around the room ignoring everyone else. The tone of the room seemed to be uneasy, people seemed to be asking each other where they were. I walked off of the circle and noticed that there was a large door in front of me. Some people stood near it seeming to want it to open. As I watched more people came out of nowhere seeming to come from the floor. They stood around like me looking at where they were. Everything felt like a dream. I walked up to a young woman and was shocked to realize I recognized her. She had been a guest star in a TV show everyone at my school had watched. I suddenly felt small in this room. Slowly I realized that a good amount of the people here were just like me but, they had already achieved some fame. They were complimented on their appearance and abilities. I was a nobody here. I was just a girl from a viral video who had only been known for a few hours. Then I had been offered a chance at fame. I knew I had to take it. I couldn't stand against these people. But I would still try. I heard a loud noise and the large door started to open and someone from the other side said " You will come through when I call your name. Line up and wait. It is time to be judged."

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 30, 2016 ⏰

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