The Kid : Who Never Lived Up To Their Choices .. (Jet)

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Chapter 1 - 

The Kid: Who never lived up to their choices.. 

"Move out! Don't lagg behind me! Get your @ss moving!" Jet yelled as he pushed one of the younger memebers out of his way. Jet glared at the ones who trailed behind. This was a battle training but he treated it as if it was the real deal. Everything had to perfect, everything had to be on point. He couldn't let himself down. Not like he did his mom. Glaring at the tree tops he started jogging upahead making sure all of the new recurits were marching the right way. "One two, one two, one two!" He yelled as the recurits yelled back "Three Four! Three Four!" Nodding his head Jet held up his hand signing for them to stop. "Good job, Asher and Ryan you two slackers run around NeverLand medical base and back to the training room and again 4 times." Jet kept a firm facial feature as the two boys sighed and groaned but ran anyway

. "Rest of ya, get a move on to the mess hall!" He smiled at their faces as they lite up and they all ran in single file towards the mess hall. Jet wasn't all bad, he had a heart sometimes. Just not during training and battle. He hid his emotions just like his mom. She was always good at that. 

You see Jet wasn't the only child he was the youngest of 3, John and Jerry his older brothers both did outstanding jobs and other things, leaving little to nothing for Jet to do, he walked in their shadows. When Jet got on honor roll Jerry was on high honor and John was on the Deans Lists. When Jet frist learn to ride a his tricylce, Jerry was already riding his bike without training wheels while John had a motorcycle! Jet always tried to get into his mother's good graces, but it's hard when she's never home and your dad is more like a women than your mom ever was.

Jet's mom was in the military, Genral Mustange high ranked and well respected women. Once John was out the house it only left Jerry and Jet. Now it came to a breaking point. Jerry was a sneaky little stinker, once Jet fell in love for the first time Jerry told her right away and married the girl and had 2 kids. Their mom was beyond happy to have grandkids like anyother female it double in size the family that is, John too had gotton married and had kids, 7 of them. ( Note: Most of them we're by the same women) Jet couldn't upstage them even if he could. His mother frowned at him all his life, never once hugged him, or even told him I love you. Nope he always got the cold shoulder. 

So Jet turned to crime, breaking into homes, street rumbles, arms dealing , drug dealing at some point. He couldn't win his mother's love but he was going to demand her respect. He soon left his home at the age of 19 and spent his years traveling now standing at the age of 22 he became the greneal for The Kids and was a damn good one. Better than his mom at times. He didn't care anymore this wa his life and he was demanding his respect from a hurtful unloving mother. 

"Jet?" A soft female voice called from behind him, he noticed her a while back since he left the training grounds. "Yes?" He responded moments later, grabbing a cigar he lite it and took a deep breath, closing his eyes he turned to the girl. She was much much longer than him maybe 12 or so. Her big blue eyes reminded him of his lost love, her short striaght blonde hair fell over her ears. She smiled as she handed him a lettler it was sealed with a CareBear sticker and in poorly written letters on the sticker read: JET. He smiled and opened the letter a picture drawn of what was suppose to him and the little girl holding hands walking in the medow.

 Yet another sticker but it was in a heart shape that read: Be Mines and another that says : Ur Hot. He chuckled at the stickers but contuined to glance over the picture note. In small letters read: ~I love you Jet, Marry me~ He looked at the little girl puzzled but smiled never the less. She held a bright red blush on her pale cheeks. "Oh little lady, I'll be honored to be your husband" He smiled at her and sweept into a low bow causing her to giggle. "Really!?" She beemed at him with hopeful eyes. "Of course darling" He smiled and took her hand into his, they walked towards the mess hall. The little girl talked about everything under the sun in their short walk to the mess hall. In need to get his mind off his pass, he kept the girl close getting her food and treating her like a princess. No one dared laugh at him since they all know Bell (The little girl) Had the biggest crush on him. Jet tilted his head every now and then to what she said as she started to talk about her older sister. "Yes! Lilly is so sweet! But she doesn't look like me." Bell's voice dropped but qucikly spiked right back up again. "But she's my sister! So I love her no matter what! Oh Look there she goes! Lilly!! Hey Lilly!!!" Bell waved her litttle arms around trying to the the girls attention, Jet slowly turned around and his jaw fell open showing all the food he was just chewing.. Oh...My Goodness.. 

                                                       ~~The Kids...~~~ 

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