The Kid who lost it all and The Kid who didn't give a damn (part 2)

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(Part 2- The Kid who lost it all)

The Kid Who didn't give a damn. 

Lily couldn't breath, the strong male was crushing her windpipe like it was made out of paper. The tears streamed down her cheeks, she could hear the women's voice carrying on how she was sick of The Kids and so on and so forth. She clawed at the man's hand. It did nothing but cause a sharp pain to spring up from her back as he slammed her against the stone wall. A shriek escape her throat. 'Dear useless god' She thought. A moment in time froze her in her spot. The male's other hand had fromed a fist and was being pulled back, Lily's eyes widen as she turned her face away. 

Jet turned to see his unloving mother's barrle of her gun pointed to his face. "You" He sneered slightly as her clentched his own gun at his waist. He rather be a dead hero than a worthless man who crawls on his knee begging forgiveness from this ice queen. Jet's mother stood tall in her uniform decorated in tons of stars and army strippes that showed off her ranking. Her dark hair was pulled back into a ponytail under her captain's cap. Jet and  his mother glared at each other right before Jet's fist slammed against her uncovered chest. She allowed her gaurd down for only a second and he advanced. 

"I see your still a little trouble maker" Her words were like vemon or lighting fluid to his heart setting a sky high fire from depts of his heart to his eyes that burned holes into the women's skull. Mustange stood up gripping her spanish made sword on her hip. Relasing it from it's sheet. Mustange advanced forward with a battle cry, Jet mirrored her gesuture and also removed his sword. It wasn't spanish made but of a qulaity much better. 

Clashing of metal echoed through the battle ground. Gritting of teeth and insults were shouted. "You could never do anything right!" Mustange yelled creating different strokes of her sword as the sound of clings and clangs of the mental swords hitting against each other countuied. "Well can't say your perfect now can you!" He spat back as his sword came down vertical to her's breaking it instanlly. His steel toe boot kicked the old women to the floor as he spoke. "At least I'm better than you" He wanted to kill that heartless monster so badly but Lily was in trouble and he need to save her.

Lily closed her eyes still waiting for the impact of the punch. Just as she felt the man's hand reaching towards her face she screamed out "Saxon!!!!!" There was a short pause as the sound of a motorcyle roared around them. Lily opened her eyes to see her hero riding towards her with great speed. He held his spiked bat out, swinging at anyone who got his way. The male who was holding Lily up by her neck was now on the floor. Saxon glared at Lily not bothering to say another word to her about how she got in that. She hopped on his bike and held onto her savoir just as the sound of a familiar voice filled her ears. She turned her head slightly to see Jet sightly covered in blood with a broken expression. She looked his way the whole time Saxon made a U-turn riding right past him. 

In that moment Jet knew he was fighting a different kind of battle for that girl. Lily slowly blinked as she held on tight as Saxon's reckless driving took it's effect. They dashed down the path towards the base. "You could've been killed" Saxon started off slightly annoyed at his partener. "I know" She spoke weakly as she hopped off the bike and started towards their sleeping bunks. "After all that damn training" He glared at her as she started to undress, leaving her battle gear on the floor and grab one of his big white shirts that she loved to much. Unlike most guys that simple move didn't do anything for him. It was the other things that he had done to her that made his blood race. "Lily" His voice dropped of all anger as he walked towards her.

 She turned to him as he pressed her body against the wall. "Again?" She asked as he lifted her up against the wall. Lily wrapped her legs around his waist as he pulled the sharp edge box cutter from his pocket. And to think he was 'normal' was an understandment for this young man. In one clean stroke he created a slash across the girl's stomach. Lily flintched as she bit her bottom lip. The blood gushed out this caused that lovely reaction that Sax was waiting on. Kissing her neck he gasped the blade once more and slashed her arm, she screamed out in pain just the way he loved it. 

In a single movement Sax had the girl pinned to the bed and made sick sweet bloody love to her. Their story was always complex since Lilly never speaks of her pass. 

But Saxon : 

The dark headed boy was aways trouble simply because he could. He didnt need his parents, the goverment, friends, family. All that boy needed was a blade and his bike, for years he caused all kinds of mayham all over the city of Eden. Nothing could hold him back from his deadly addiction...blood. 

It was like any other for that evil man, he was out and about silcing and dicing away at young women's flesh as they screamed and cried out for help. On this night things went for the worst. The special girl he stole away from the night club was the mayor's daughter and has been missing for a few days. Saxon never paid to much attenion to the media but on that day he should have seen that a night they were sending out a search party for the girl. Near death the crowd of by passers seen the girl's arm that held the Mayor's imfamous charm bracelet. 

The by passers shouted. "We've found her! Come quick!" And soon hundreds of voices filled the air. Saxon was done but needed to escape and quickly. His blade hidden in his shirt as he ran down the allies as someone spotted him and yelled "There he goes get him" Now a man on the run Sax dashed down dirty roads and such the mob gaining on him. A girl stood under a street light off in the distanced. Even with his life on the line he couldn't help but think of how she would have screamed under his blade, the blood smeared on his face. The girl turned to him. "Come with me" She said as he ran towards her. He didn't think just grabbed her hand. They ran towards a fairly large house.

 Inside it was neatly made up. He couldn't take it all in since the pretty bruttet stuffed him into a closet. "Stay don't make any sounds" He glanced up to his saviors' face. He was amazed with her beauty and bravery. There was a knock on the door, the mob was asking if they had seen Sax. She lied and explain she was at the market the whole day. A few words exchanged right before she closed the door. "Hey" She spoke softly as she open the door. Saxon was dirty and bloody. 

After cleaning him up she introduce herself. "I'm Lilly" She smiled as he just stared at her. "Saxon.." He spoke moments later. He spent a few days there as they grew close. It was the lack of bloodlust that wild made had that drew them closer, one day he couldn't take it; slipping in the dead of night Saxon creeped up the stairs into Lily's bedroom and took out the kitchen knife and slowly cut her against her inner thigh. Lily woke later that day believe she had a nightmare since it was normal for her. Little did she know that it wasn't, all of was true. How the duo got to Neverland is aways a different tale. 

Saxon held his prize close to him as she slept, he loved her more than she could image. He wanted that genral boy to come and try and take her away. "Come and try me boy" He whispered into Lily's chocolate locks before slipping off into his murderious dreamland. 

                                                                   The Kids...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2011 ⏰

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