Chapter 9

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Selena's pov://

Last night me and justin had sex... Again.. I know i know! U might think we have sex to much but u dont understand how much i love him! I mean i was freaking out because i shot nick yesterday but now i know why im with justin... Cuz he's always there for me.. I was snuggled up to justins abs while he was sleeping with his arm around me. Ive been awake for like 15 minutes but thats ok, im with justin. he started to move a bit and he woke up.

selena: morning sleepy head

Justin: morning angel, what time do we have to be at Mr. Rico's office?

Selena: he texted me and said to be there at 1:00

Justin: does our mission start tomorrow?

Selena: i would think soo

Justin: what do u want to do till then?

Selena: idk... watch movies?

Justin: sure, as long as im with u

Selena: ur so corny

Justin: u lovee it

Selena: of couse i do

I kissed his lips quickly

We started watching some movies until it was 12:40 and we started to get ready.

After we got ready we made our way to Mr. Rico's office. We saw demi and ryan and sat down.

Mr. Rico: hi guys!

Everyone: hey Mr. Rico

Mr. Rico: selena im so sorry i didnt realized that u use to date nick..

Selena: its ok.. Its over now.

Mr. Rico: well we have a new member coming today, and she is actually the girl u guys saved yestersday

Demi: that girl ariana?

Mr. Rico: yes and she is very good u guys. All of you plus ariana will be working in the fighting room this week.

Ryan: as in like more practice?

Mr. Rico: yes

Honestly im kinda nervous that a new girl is coming because what if justin falls for her...

Mr. Rico: ah and here she is now

She walked in.

Ariana: hello Mr. Rico! Hi guys im ariana! I wanted to say thank you so much for helping me get free yesterday... Ive worked for the csi before but it was a while ago and it wasnt as good as it is here. Im looking foward to working with u guys, i know you guys are the best in the country :)

Mr. Rico: its great to have you here ariana

Demi: happy you're here

Ariana: thank you

She left

Mr. Rico: you guys start tomorrow morning at 8

Selena: 8? We have to fight at 8?

Mr. Rico: yes ma'amm! Be ready!

We all left. I was really nervous now. Ariana is beautiful. I couldnt really see her yesterday because i was crying to hard. Me and justin went back to our room. I didnt really talk because i was thinking to much and way to hard.
What is she likes him? What if he likes her? What if he breaks up with me for her? so many questions are flowing threw my mind right now. I was sitting on our bed while justin was in the bathroom when he came out he jumped on the bed and kissed my cheek.

Justin: why do u look so down babe?

Should i tell him or just lie?!

Selena: oh nothing im fine

I fake smiled. Oh wait. Justin knows my fake smiles. I knew it was coming... Wait for it.

Justin: thats a fake smile, sel whats up?

I knew it. Ill just have to tell him how i feel.

Selena: i just dont know justin.... Ariana is gorgeous and what if u fall in love with her or leave me..

Justin: sel.. Thatss whats bothering u?

Selena: yeah kinda..

He started to laugh....Wait...What?

Justin: are u serious?

Selena: yes justin!

Justin: selena you are the most beautiful person in the whole world! Why would i give you up for ariana?

Selena: cuz she's beautiful.. And im just me...

Justin: selena! I love you for being you! You are so gorgeous im suprised u ever went out with me!

He started to kiss me lips and i kissed back but then i got confused so i pulled back.

Selena: what was that for?

Justin: i just wanted to let u know that you are mine forever! I love you selena!

Selena: i love you too babe

Justin: dont be worried! Your mine!

I started to smile and kiss him again


IM SOOOOOO SORRY ITS SHORT! Omg i feel like a terrible person! JESUS TAKE ME NOW! IM SORRY! Anywaseeee new chapter soon! Thanks for the read, comments, and votes! I love you all 💜

*mental makeout session* jk..

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