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"You go to the roof of an apartment building to stargaze and find someone else there as well."

(Updated: 1st Nov 2019 ; edited)

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She is tired.

Oh, so very tired.

And what more can be so obvious to this is when she sighing heavily. Her hazel colored eyes are trying to stay open but it refused to do so. The vibrations that she is feeling right now from the moving train that she seated on are not helping too- in fact it just makes her sleepy than before. Grunting at this, the Japanese woman clung her brown bag closer to her torso and tries to shift on her seat with hope that each passing blood in her veins able to wake her up for few more minutes to reach her stop.

She pull her head back letting her black hair that pulled into a bun resting on the wall while her eyes stares up to the train's wall and counting numbers to herself to pass the time.

Gradually she became bored with it so she purses her bottom lips and slowly look around her and hope anything in her sight can catch her attention. But really, there are nothing much to see except for seeing little passengers in the trains, the red and brown skies sceneries outsides and the passing buildings leaving its wake.

'Well, there aren't much people here,' she thought, 'well of course, office hours are already over,'

Suddenly something vibrating in her bag cuts her trails of thoughts so she reaches inside her bag to get her phone and checks. A message pops on her phone's locked screen.

'Who could it be?' She wonders and unlocks her phone to check them.

Hey Hoshii, wanna grab dinner with me tonight? I miss you lots. Please reply the message says. The sender named was Bastard on top of it.

Hoshii locks her phone right after that and ignores it. A minute later her phone vibrates again and she sighs at this, she making no attempt to see it and put her phone away. Well, why would she want to anyway? The last thing she wants right now is a guy's girlfriend to rage outside of your door in the middle of the night and unfortuntely it happened before.

Why in the world she dated her ex-boyfriend with a fickle nature? Perhaps back then she was desperate for a companionship and it gets to a point where she accept his confession regardless of how little she knew him.

When she get to know her ex-boyfriend two timed her before, she dropped everything and left without a word. Confrontation was never her forte and it was one of her weaknesses. In result of that, whenever he texted Hoshii, his current girlfriend who happens to be 'madly in love' with him will be on the trail to hunt her down.

Good thing she is living with her housemates. Heaven knows what will happen to her if she left alone in an apartment.

"God....." She grunted again and the vibrations kept on in her bag. Its hard to ignore her phone now and with that thought, she knew this is going to be a long ride home.

Sun already setting and night appears. Hoshii arrives at her apartment after what seems like forever to her, she takes the stairs instead of the elevator because well... why not?

Then she arrives to her floor. But suddenly she stops herself then look up. There are two remaining stairs that leads to the rooftop and she doesn't know why but her gut feeling tells her to go to the rooftop. Maybe stargazing perhaps? Come to think of it, when was it the last time she stargazing? Probably for a long time; because her job as an editor pulled her focus and the remaining of her time away to do any thing of what she usually liked to do. One of it was star gazing. The only sweet memory that she can pull out about it was her memory was when she was little, stargazing with her mother. They used to count the stars until they are tired or even connecting the stars to another to make a shape.

Hoshii draws out a smile at this. Warm feelings settling in her chest and she decided to go upstairs on the rooftop to sight seeing the constellation on the dark skies. It will be cold, but thank God for her working coat, it would suffice for the warmth that she will need. One step at the time, she arrives on the rooftop. Drawing out her hot breathe, she amazes at the sight of the city at the night. She never really get the time to sit down and bask the buildings around her apartment illuminates colorful sights. The stars blinking on the dark skies with a crescent moon hung above making it more glorious. Hoshii loves it more.

And she is not the only one enjoying this sight. There was a man's back facing her and he stood in front of the railings and lean on it. His golden-brown hair colored give her answer right away of who is this man. The corner of her lips raises, grinning slightly, "Coming up here to smoke, foreigner?" She raised her voice on purpose to catch his attention.

The man in subject didn't flinch at that, he turns his back and face her to see who and he grin at this. His brown eyes blinking in the light- maybe because of this beautiful background behind him that makes her seeing him that way. This 'foreigner' speaks perfect Japanese language, there's no cigarettes in any of his fingers, "How about you? Coming here to shout your pent up rage because of the fight you had the other day?"

"God, please don't remind me, Adrian." Hoshii rolls her hazel eyes at this and walks toward him. He laughs at this and the both of them bath in each other's company with chatters and laughs- completely forgotten the stars above the skies were watching them instead.


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