Chapter 3

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I wake up and roll out of bed. Ugh I am not ready to move. So I get up and head to my bathroom.

I take off my clothes and hop in the shower. After I am done showering, I put on a gray crop top and shorts and my white converses. I brush my teeth and straighten my hair and put on a little makeup and head downstairs.

"It is time to go" mom says putting the last box into the moving truck.

So I hop in the backseat and text Lexi since I have nothing else to do on this five hour drive.

Me: Hey, ugh I am so not looking forward to meeting new people.

Lexi😛💘: I will miss you...tons.

Me: Same :(

Lexi😛💘: Maybe you will meet a cute guy there! 😏

Me: Haha (;

Lexi😛💘: Well Hunter Rowland lives in Phoenix, Arizona!!!

Me: Who?

Lexi😛💘: The guy I make you watch on YouNow every time he goes live!!!

Me: Oh yeah, i doubt i will see him. Besides, he wouldn't be into me anyway.

Lexi😛💘: I ship it! 😌

Me: (;

I open up Spotify and put in my headphones and listen to music while i stare out the window. After a couple hours i begin feeling sleepy so I decide why not take a nap.

"Nevaeh, wake up we are here" my mom says shaking me.

I hear my mom calling me and I look up and see a huge house in front of me with a garage and a gated backyard with a pool.

"Oh my -" I get cut off by my dad. "I knew you would like it", he say's looking up at it.

I walk inside the house with my sister and my mom, who is carrying my baby brother and my dad.

"I am in love with the change unlike Nevaeh", Sarah says with a smirk.

"Shut up it is difficult leaving your friends", I say glancing at her.

I walk upstairs and pick out my room and i walk around and plan where to put my stuff.

"The moving truck is here, come down and unpack", my dad yells from downstairs.

I run downstairs and grab my boxes and head upstairs. As I set my box down I notice my window is facing our neighbors window from a room. I look out the window and see a guy that looks about 15 and has dark brown hair and he is talking to a younger kid that looks a bit like him.
I feel like I am staring so i decide to go downstairs and get the rest of my boxes.

I grab a box and then suddenly i feel a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around and it was the guy i saw in the window.

"Hi I am Hunter, your neighbor", he says with his hand out for me to shake.

Hunter? I think to myself. I look at him and it hits me! I remember who he is! Hunter Rowland! I decide to not freak out so he won't think of me in that way, so I pretend I have no idea who he is.

I shake his hand and smile.

"I'm Nevaeh", i say with a blush and walk away. I turn around and see him blush and walk back home.

Hunter's P.O.V

I don't know this girl but their is something about her that makes me smile, a lot.


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