Chapter two

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Part Two.

"Well, well, well. If it isn’t the lesbo twins. Plan on making out after you eat? I guess you find puking and having sex at the same time, a real turn on." The center girl announced among her group. Anyone who was anybody knew that the girl was Rachel. The most popular girl in the school. Also I could ask any guy in the school and they would tell me they have done it with her. We use to be friends in middle school, but when the two of us entered high school, she started to hang with a different crowd. Probably because she developed a bit earlier than me.

"And I am sure you would know. Tell me Rachel, do you come with a mute button or do you need something in your mouth to shut you up?" Karry moved her attention to the queen of sluts that took a seat beside me.

"Whatever Karry. You are just mad because I am not available or a lesbian."

A couple of girls giggled as I turn to look up at them. They see my glare and fall silent again.

"Even if I was a lesbian, Rachel, I would not even look at you as a suitable candidate. You are just too low on my standards chart."

Karry and I bust out laughing as the girls are no longer paying attention to me but to a figure standing behind me in my blind spot. Karry stops laughing seeing his figure and glares. Noticing I was the only one laughing, i stop and turn behind me to find another one of my enemies; Jason.

Jason is your typical football quarter back with the few problems of being a complete drug user. Jason’s blonde hair and blue eyes can fool all the girls at school but not Karry or me for that matter.Jason bends down to my level as he moves his mouth over my ear. I groan and huff out of Jason's pigheaded ways as small irritated blush arise on my cheeks.

"You got my shipment in yet, baby?" He says, trying to make his deep voice into a seductive tone.

"Get the hell out of my personal space. Jason. You smell like beer. Yea I got your shipment." I muttered, brushing him aside.

Jason bends down again wrapping his arms around my stomach holding my arms down. Rachel and the other girls gasp as they watch. Karry looks the other way. Jason starts to nibble at my ear; then kisses my neck. I wish I could sock him in his nose but he is my father's favorite customer. If something were to happen to him, dad would kick my ass.

"Do I get a bonus with that? Perhaps a sweet cute Cree Valentine?"

I hated Jason calling me by my name. It was almost as if we were friends or good buddies. My mother gave me that name. At first, they were convinced you were going to be a boy so they were going to call me Chris. But I came out not having men parts so the name was quickly turned to Cree. I also didn't like the sound of him saying my name. It was a the only thing I had left of my mom, I didn't want his lips soiling what she gave me.

"Knock it off! I got a bonus for you! A kick straight in your balls. Now get off of me!" I whines as I kicked and screamed.

"Well then I guess I will have to wait until next time." Jason said pulling me back and winks at me, as he stands up straight and turns, making his way out of the cafeteria.

I shiver as Jason leaves. Rachel still sitting there shocked and bewildered. Karry looks back at me as she shook her head. "You should have bit the bastard!" She said in a serious tone.

Rachel jumped out of her trance and glared at Karry."How dare you talk about Jason that way! It's because of him that we even make it to state as poor as this rotton school is. Jason!" Rachel gets out of her chair as she runs after Captain Pervert, her group well behind her copying her every move.

"So..." Karry broke the silence as I started to munch on my fries. "What time is it tonight?"

"Seven." I say blankly.

"What?! Does he notice we are in a poor and bad neighborhood? He doesn’t even care if you get raped by some weirdo off the streets?" Karry's mood changed really quickly as her mood ring changed from hazel green to black in three seconds.

"Don’t worry. I will be fine, it is only a couple of blocks away anyway. I would probably be better off with some weirdo than my dad anyway. You know, you have been on the edge lately are you ok?"

"I'm fine. It is you I am worried about. You are my best friend Cree, I just don’t wanna see you get hurt."

"I'll be fine. School is the only place I can relax though. It's like my own everyday vacation; I never wanna leave!"

"You know what I heard?" A boy said aloud for all of his friends to hear. "I hear we only have a half of a day today and the whole week off too."

One of the boy's friends agreed."It's true. The pipeline broke again and so we get out after lunches are over."

I look at Karry as she gives me a reassuring smile. I slightly move my fries aside and start to bang my head against the table. Karry pats me on my heard telling me everything was going to be alright when the bell rang.

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