Chapter eight

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Part Eight

Jack's Point of View

I bust through the doors of the house which was an old mansion that was in the center of the city. Two others looked at my way as I walked down the hallway. They were incredibly beautiful as their eyes were deep blue. I stared back then stopped and took a look at them again. Their eyes gone wide as they slowly bowed their heads. Huffing, I continued walking and rushed through another door.

The sound of heavy metal rock was playing as I saw it was an opening room. I then turned to the right as there was a pair of doors made of black steel. I bust through the doors as the sound of music got louder and there on a large bed laid two people. A man was laying over a woman as the sheets were laid on the side of the bed. I had rolled my eyes as I moved to the home stereo system and turned it off. The man looked at I as I could see red liquid coming from the man's face. His eyes went from an angry glare to a concerned look.

"I lost her." I grunt, folding my arms.

"What do you mean you lost her?" The man said as he wiped the liquid from his face and stared at me with concern.

"I lost her. What do you want me to say? Her damn friend ran me over in her fucking car trying to get to her first."

The man and woman laughed loudly as he got off of the woman and sat at the edge of the bed. The man was completely naked as he bend down and picked up the sheets and handed them to the woman who appeared to be naked as well. I gave a growl as they both slowly came to a stop, trying hard to supress they giggles.

"Ran you over? With a car?" The woman asked as she sat up covering herself with the sheets.

"Shut up! I don’t think I need to hear your voice you wrench!" I screamed at her as she rolled her eyes and rolled over.

" Don't throw your anger at her. Catherine. Leave us." The man said as he looked at her.

She nodded as she got up wrapped herself in one of the sheets and walked to the door. She turned around and bowed before she walked through the doors and shut them.

"So let me get this straight." The man started. "Tonight, after finally getting your courage to finally take her, you went after Cree and you got ran over by a car? Wow must be one hell of a night gor you Jack!"

"I'm serious Kyle. Her father was easy to get passed. Bastard let me in the house before I could put up a fight. Didn't even get my name before i walked through the door. But the girl, she was on a totally different level. She heard that I was trying to get her dad to sell her to me. She was sitting in a fucken closet listening through the wall. She had jumped out of the window and ran for it."

"So a small side step in the plan?" Kyle said as he got up to look for his pants.

"Do you think I would be sitting here interrupting your dinner if plan A worked?" I shouted as I glared at the back of his head. Kyle shuffled around trying to get the pant leg to work with his legs as he finally gets them on, pulling them up all the way.

"Calm down. Calm down. Did you get the number to the license plate on the car." He asked as he opened the doors to the room that I came through previously. There were two half naked women that seemed to be watching tv. Catching their attention, they stood up and bowed as they saw us enter the room. Kyle nodded to the bedroom as they raced in there and closed the door.He directed me towards the computer desk as he takes a seat and turns it on. I pull up a chair and think closely to what he was asking.

"Well I think we can find her if you know you got the numbers right. Man are you sure you want someone like Cree? Of all the bitches in the world and you want her. Why not that Rachel chick she fights with all the time. I hear she is a major slut. Man I would tap that." Kyle said pressing in his password to get the front screen.

"No. I don’t want a regular bitch. You can take whatever woman you want. But I am old school.Nice and clean. Besides with someone like Cree, if she comes up missing no one is going to notice."

"Do you think her blood is any good though." Kyle looks at me as he quickly types a small program on the computer.

"If it was anything like Mary's, I would suck her dry." I said. " You got it yet?"

"Hold on lover boy, it is not easy trying to hack into the police network without worrying about getting caught. Ah here we are...but she's got her dad's blood in her too. You cant be sure it is like Mary’s. What is the license plate number?"

"DIW-352. I know but I am willing to take that chance. And besides any girl whose friend is going to run me over with a car to get to this girl, she has to be good enough for anything."

"Ah! Here we are. The car belongs to a girl by the name of Karry Smith. She lives pretty far away. Makes me wonder what other rich friends Cree's got. Karry's parents are Kevin and Emma Smith. They are both doctors and if I am not mistaken, they are a pretty rich family. They live in a three story house about ten miles from here. Karry is o positive and has a pet snake."

I look at him confused. "A pet snake? Why does the police need to know about her pets?"

"Well..." Kyle took a few seconds to comfirm what he was looking at. " It would seem that the pet is not just any snake but a restricted python. She needs to have papers for an animal like that. How cute she houses dangerous creatures. I wonder what else she has in her mini mansion."

"I don’t need to know about Karry. I need to know where she lives." I whine in an annoyed tone.

"Ok, ok Mr. grumpy. Don’t get your head off your shoulders. She lived at 783 Shurby Lane. Wow that pretty nice neighborhood. You going tomorrow night to get her?"

"Hell yeah. I am going to get Cree and suck that little bitch Karry dry." A grin plastered on my face. My enthusiasm taking the better of me as I bob my head back and forth to myself.

"Why?" Kyle questioned me as he wrote the address down.

"Because I will not let this wrench live after she ran me over in my good jacket."

Kyle started to hand me the address but pulled it back before I could grab ahold of it. "What about Karry's parents?"

"What about them?"

"You going to do anything about them?"

"No, why?"

"I don’t know." Kyle looks towards me displaying the same happy expression and I am."I was wondering if I could tag along."

"I don’t care what you do. Leave Karry to me and you can do whatever you want with anyone else. Except Cree of course." I said snatching the paper from his hand.

"Why of course. Wouldn't have it any other way, brother..."

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