Chapter seven

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Part Seven.

Jack's point of view

I finally decided to get off the ground as I brush off the sleeves of my coat. "Seems I have underestimated my little Cree. Don't worry, baby, I'm coming for you soon enough."

I walk back to the car as I hop in and drive off. It was still the begining of the night. I stared at the small sliver of the moon that has now revealed itself from behind the scattered dark clouds of the night. Yes a young night and now after seeing her, i was itching to have things set and ready.

Karry's point of view

I look over at Cree as she looks back at me. It has been about ten minutes of complete silence and I know that there are things that I wanted answered. Like first who was that guy? And what was she doing on other people's backyards in the middle of the night?

"Ok." I started the interrogation. "Speak up now or so help me I will stop this car now and make you get out. Who was that guy?"

"I don't know his name but he sure as hell knows a lot about me. He came over after I finally made it home. He was talking with my dad about picking up Jason's shipment and then he wanted to buy some heroin from him. Dad being a complete dumbass, let the guy in. After a while I heard them talking and I couldn't figure it out. So I hid in the closet and listened to them."

"Wait," I stopped her as I could feel her gaze at the side of my head. I make a right turn as the street light turns yellow." You were listening to their conversation and you never got his name?"

"Dad didn't even know the guy!" She screamed.

"What? Why in the hell did he let that creep come into your house then?"

 I heard her sigh heavily."I don't know. Because he is stupid! Anyway are you done?"

"Oh yeah." I said as I turned my eye back on the road.

"So anyway..."Cree continued. "I was listening and this guy just comes up with this idea of dad selling me to him."

I swerve into the next lane almost hitting another car coming from the opposite direction. Making it back into my own lane, I look at my best friend. My eyes were wide open, almost seeming like they were going to fall out of my sockets,as my face displayed a terrified expression. She looks back with the same face.

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive?" She said as she holds onto her seatbelt for dear life.

"I'm fine. It's you i'm more worried about." I said. "He was going to sell you?"

"He did."

"You mean he did it already. That guy that I hit back there paid money to get a hold of you? Why?"

She gave a shrug as she slowly let go of the seatbelt and started to relax once more. I pulled into the road that lead us into my neighborhood. Turning again, I pull into a row of large houses. Each one had at least two stories on them.

"Why do you even come to my school if you are rich?" She said as she gives me a glare of annoyance.

"We are not rich, we just live better. But anyway I don't want to go to those schools that are full of assholes that think they are better than everyone else because they have more money. It is so annoying. But Rachel? She is something that I can handle but do without."

"Same here." She said giving a small giggle.

"Ok. I don't know if my mom or dad are home right now but I am sure that you can either sleep in a guest room or you can sleep in my room tonight. Your dad is not expecting you back home, is he?" I said in a sarcastic tone.

"I don't know. He sold me so that he would not have to see my face again. But I think I should go back around seven in the morning." She replied playing along to my game.

"Well to bad!" I stated as the two of us howl in laughter.

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