Chapter six

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Part Six.

Cree's point of view

I race around the corner of the street that led back to the house of hell. I looked right and then left as my eyed detected headlights coming my way. I slip into the backyard of a nearby house, opening my cell phone. I tried to punch in the numbers, but I are scared shitless. What's going on? Why is this happening? I know that by now those two are wondering where the hell I went. "I have to call Karry." I thought to myself. I look over the fence as I could see another car go by. The car was a black porche and through the window of the drivers seat I could see that man from the house. What did he want with me? I quickly drop my head hoping that he did not catch a glimpse of me.

After about a few minutes of sitting in the same little corner of the yard, I am finally breathing at a good pace. It was time to try and give that call another go. I take the phone out again as I dial in the number of Karry's cell phone.


"Karry! It's me Cree! Please help me!" I scream, almost forgetting that I was suppose to be hiding.

"Cree? What happened what's wrong? Where are you?" Karry voice sound more scared than my own.

"I'm in some backyard. Karry I am scared. Please come get me!" My voice starts to rise before I know it. The strange feeling of my hair standing on end was happening again. Which could only mean one thing. I blew my cover. I looked around as I was starting to panic.

"Where are you? What street are you on? I will come and get you!"

I looked around and slowly tried to look over the fence. As soon as I did I came face to face with the dark haired guy from before. I gasped and jumped back as a terrified shocking look came to my face.

"Boo. Where are you going, Cree?" He asked as he tried to look so innocent.

"Cree!" Karry's voice brought me back to life. "Cree are you there? What is happening?"

I turn around and start to run for the other side of the yard. Looking back I couldn't see the guy. Where did he go? I thought. I finally got to a door as I opened it, I had remembered that I was still on the phone with Karry.

I put the phone back up to my ear. "Karry, I am going to the park by the old hospital. Please come and get me there!"

"What? Why are you going there? Cree...are you being chased?"

"Please not now just get me please." I hang up the phone as I continue to run. I turn around and notice a few headlights following me at a fast alarming rate. I try and run faster but the pack was starting to weight me down. The headlights are getting brighter as I turn around and see that the car was picking up speed. It had to be that guy. Where am I going to go? I l scanned the neighborhood as I could see the lights ahead that led to the old Hospital down the way. I make a sharp turn to the left as I now began my quest, racing through the woods.

"This has to be a short cut. I remember coming through here before." I said aloud.

I could hear the car make a screaming halt right where I had entered the woods. I slow down and turned, seeing a figure step out of the car. A giant sigh of relief washed over me, that guy wasn't going to follow me in here. I started to pace myself trying to find the exit into the light again that lit the entire parking lot of the hospital that had not been used in years. Every since they found bugs living in the air filters and the blood was being infected by other insects and even animals that found there way into the hospital, they shut it down. But it was your favorite hospital because it was the one where I was born. I finally made it out of the crazy jungle and hopped out into the light. I looked around for the man once again to find nothing as I walked across the street to the small park that I had traveled to earlier today. I sat on the swing as I lightly pushed myself back and forth, waiting for Karry to show up.

I heard a sound as I look up to see a small car pulling up. Was it Karry or the crazy man that gave that bastard father of mine money to do what he wished with me. He would probably have let him without the money. I stand up as I looked harder to the figure stepping out of the car. I noticed from the car that it was a black porche. I walked a tiny bit closer to see black spiky hair and a large trench coat. I started to back away. That was not Karry.

"Why are you running away from me, Cree?"

"What do you want from me?" I screamed as I continued to back up.

"Is it so bad that I took you away from your disgusting excuse for a father and a more disgusting house? Just make this easy on yourself and get in the car."

"To hell with you and to god fucken hell with my father. I could have ran away if I wanted to! Now leave me alone. I don't want anything to do with you!"

"That hurts." The man said walking closer, an unvoluntary gasp escapes my lips. "That hurts my heart to hear that I was just trying to do something for you Cree. And this is the thanks I get. Where are you going to go? Huh? You don't think I would let you run off with your friend Karry do you?"

My eyes go wide." How do you know about me or my friends?"

"Cree Valentine. Age seventeen. You go to Crest High School. You hate English and you love art classes. Your favorite color is black and your lucky number is seven. Cree, I know everything about you. And if you really think I am going to let you run off with your little friend, you are in for a big surprise."

"Stay back and leave me alone. I will go where I want to and I don't need you telling me where I will and will not go!"

"I'll kill her." He said in a sharp tone.

"What?" I stopped dead in my tracks, almost falling over. "What did you say?"

"I said, I will kill her if you think she is someone you can escape with. I will kill anyone you may think you can run to. You don't understand the power I have over you Cree." The man gave a hard chuckle. Then he started to laugh even harder.

I stared at the guy like he was insane as I suddenly heard another car coming around the corner. I knew it was Karry. But what was I going to do? He would kill her if I ran away with her but I didn't want to end up in his car either. My mind was going a hundred miles per hour as the car continues to advance closer and closer. I look at the car and then I look at the man. I lean towards the car as he does the same. I looked at the headlights and back at him as he smiles at me with his sick devilish grin. I don't know what to do.

I start to run for the car but then he is already half way there. I stopped. It wasn't Karry's car. Suddenly another car ran through the streets at an alarming rate! It was Karry! The headlights were bright as she ran over the sidewalk and ran over the trench coat man. I watched as I could see that she was in a daze as she made her way toward me and quickly slammed on the breaks. I move to the side of the car as I could see her looking back.Hopped in the passenger's seat as she looks at me confused.

"Did I hit something? I don't remember..." She said as she looked back.

"You blacked out didn't you? How did you even get your license if you know that you black out at the wheel. But it doesn't matter now, we got to get out of here!" I screamed as a large body hit the top of the car hood. It was spiky as Karry screams."Karry! Drive!"

Karry again slammed on the accelerator as the two of us hit the back of our seats. The spiky haired man flew on the windshield as he hit the top of the roof and finally landed on the ground behind us. Karry looks back and then looks toward me.

"What the hell was that?" She said as she finally made it back on the road again and floored it out of there.

"My new problem."

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