Asking You Out

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You were at home just lounging about when you heard loud knocking coming from the second floor of your house.  Confused you go up to your bedroom only to discover Mattias, sitting on a tree limb, knocking on the window.

You went over and opened the window, pulling him inside before he could fall out and break his neck.

"What the heck Mattias?!"  You said, seriously annoyed and worried.  "You could've broken your neck or something!"  He looked down before standing up.

"I did it because,"   He took your hands in his and brought them up.  "Becauseireallyreallyloveyouandwant-"  You cut him off.

"Hold it, slow down."  He blushed a bit but took a deep breathe.

"I really really like you and want to ask if you would-"

"Of course I will you silly King of Scandinavia!"  You said, as you jumped into his arms.  He grinned and hugged you back, spinning you around.

"That's great elsker! [love]"  He said happily.


You had been out walking in the park with Cocoa when you heard the barks of Hana.  Turning you found yourself being tackled by Hana.  You looked at her and noticed that there was a note attached to her collar.

'Follow Hana'  It said.  You raised an eyebrow but decided to follow.

After walking around for a while, you found yourself face to face with Tino who held a bunch of flowers in his hands.  He held them out to you.

"[name], I know we have only known each other for a few months now but I really like you and I was wondering if you would go out with me?"  He said nervously.  You blushed but nodded, accepting the flowers.  Tino smiled and glomped you.

"Yay!"  He cheered, nuzzling his face into your neck as both Cocoa and Hana yipped happily.


It had been a few days and you were at a candy store trying to find some licorice to give to Emil as a "get well soon" gift when you spotted the familiar white hair and puffin.  You quietly walked up behind them and overheard part of their conversation.

"... she's not going to like this."  Emil said.  Mr Puffin had seen you and gave you a wink.

"Just go give her the candy, tell her how you feel, and ask her out."  Mr Puffin said, making you tilt your head, wondering what they were talking about.

"I just don't know,"  Emil said with a sigh.  "How can I properly tell her and ask [name] to be my girl-"  At that moment you glomped him from behind.

"Of course I will!"  You said with a smile.  His face was as red as a tomato, with him sputtering incoherent words as you and Mr Puffin high-fived.


You were out walking in the forest, trying to clear your mind about what had occurred a few days ago with Lukas, when you noticed a trail of flowers.  You raised an eyebrow, but something told you to follow it.

You followed the trail of [favorite color] petals all the way to this really old but majestic looking tree, and under that tree was Lukas holding a single [favorite flower].  He came forward and gave the flower to you.

"[name], you are a very beautiful, intelligent, and kind person.  You make me feel things that I really haven't before so, will you go out with me?"  He asked, a light blush spreading across his face.  You blushed too.

"I'd love to."  You said, smiling. You placed the flower in your hair and hugged Lukas as he hugged you back, giving you a rare smile while at the same time throwing a strange bottle off into a bush.


It had been a few days since you had last seen Berwald and you were feeling a bit anxious.  So here you are calling Berwald's friend Tino in hopes of finding out what's up.

"Hello Tino, it's [name].  I was wondering-"

"[name]!"  Tino yelled over the phone, cutting you off and making you squeak over the loudness.  "You have to hurry over!  Berwald has been refusing to come out of his workshop for two days now!"  That got you worried even more.

"Alright Tino, I'll be right over."  You said.

~Mini Time Skip~

Once you arrived at the Nordics' home Tino grabbed you and pretty much threw you into Berwald's workshop, telling you to do something before Berwald works himself to death. Eventually you found him sitting at his work bench, back to you.

"Umm... Berwald, is everything okay?  Tino's really worried."  You said.  He grunted in response and motioned you over.  You tentatively came over and gasped at what he made;  It was a miniature figure of Pocki playing with Hana.

"Berwald it's so pretty."  You said.  He gave you a small smile and handed it to you, telling you to look at the bottom.

' Bli min älskade?'  [Be my sweetheart?] It read.  You blushed but nodded, making him smile more as he engulfed you in a hug.

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