You Zombie

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A/N:  Sorry everyone, I meant to release these last 3 chapters on Halloween night but then I was on study lock-down by parents, and then got really, really sick, like bedridden could throw-up at any time sick.

So I was delayed.  Anyways, enjoy~

And the Monster Bash is officially over after these 3 chapters, and I was pretty happy with what I got this year, and I can't wait to see what I'll do next year.

Prologue/Recap from Last Time

Eventually, a cure was found, and all those who had been zombies returned to how they were, ending the zombie apocalypse...

... Or did it?

Actually, what ended up happening was that everyone who had been a zombie, had turned back to normal, but still carried the original virus, which then infected everyone who wasn't a zombie.

Now, with the tables turned, let's see how you all are doing.


"Come on elsker~"  Mattias whined, trying to drag you into the club.  "It's Friday night and we always go clubbing on Friday nights."  He said.

"Not tonight Mattias,"  You said, holding your ground.  "You know I don't feel comfortable."


"Well... It's just the whole me being a zombie now... and being slow and, well, rotting..."  You said, averting your eyes.

"[name], elsker, I think you're fine just the way you are."  Mattias said.  You were about to say something when another couple came out of the club and started pointing and laughing at you.

"Ha, look at that rotting corpse bride!"  The guy yelled, making the girl snicker, and you want to fade into the background.  Mattias, on the other hand, got mad.

"Hey, at least she's got personality unlike you two cheap knock-offs!"  He yelled, making them both gasp and huff before walking away as you cuddled closer to Mattias.

"Thanks Mattias."  You said.  Mattias grinned and put his arm around you.

"Anything for my queen, now let's blow this joint."  He said, leading you away from the club.


"[name], rakas, please come out of the bed."  Tino said.  You just curled up further into your cocoon of blankets.

"No... my life is over..."  You mumbled darkly, a cloud of depression hanging over your head.

"Rakas, so you can't taste anymore, it's not the end of the world."  Tino said.  You shook your head.

"It is... how can I be a pastry chef if I can't taste?"  You asked.


"Exactly,"  You said, your cloud of gloom worsening as Cocoa and Hana stood by the edge of the bed, whimpering over your distress.  "I'd rather be dead."  You said.

"[name], come on, now you're just being silly."  Tino said, rubbing your back.  "So what if you can't taste the chocolaty goodness of brownies, or the light creamy taste of freshly made frosting, or-"  Tino stopped when he heard thunder emanating from the storm cloud of depression above you.

'Oh dear... I think I may have made this worse,'  Tino thought.


"Ugh!"  You said in frustration, throwing your phone onto the couch as Emil popped back into the living room.

"What's up with you?"  He asked.

"Stupid zombie fingers."  You said, holding up your hands.  "They are too slow and stiff so I can't text fast, and I mess up a ton."  You said. Emil nodded and picked your phone up, sitting next to you.

"If you want, I can type for you."  He said.  You perked up.

"Really?  That'd be great!"  You said.  Emil nodded and took up your phone.

"Shoot."  He said.

"Okay, I need you to-"

And so you started dictating texts, emails, and notes with Emil typing away, turning out to be a pretty good speed-typer, which really made you feel a lot better.


You stared at the plate before you, gulping nervously.

"Eat."  Lukas said.

"I-I can't."  You said.  "I just a-am nervous."  You stuttered, looking at the plate of soy-brains that Lukas had made for you.  Lukas sighed and sat beside you.

"You need to eat it."  He said.  "If you don't eat these substitute brains, then you'll start craving real brains and go on a killing spree dyrebare."  He said bluntly.

"T-that didn't m-make me f-feel better."  You stuttered.  "But... I'll... I'll try..."  You said.  Lukas nodded and watched as you tasted a small forkful.

"... Hey... this kinda tastes like steak."  You said, getting a nod from Lukas.

"I bought steak-flavored soy-brains."  He said, getting you to nod as you took another bite.

"This isn't so bad."  You said, feeling the lingering cravings you'd been having going away with every bite, as Lukas watched to make sure you ate every bite.


You were just trying to do a bit of vacuuming when Berwald came over and took the vacuum from you.

"Berwald, I-I need to vacuum."  You said.  He shook his head.

"N', y''re t' fr'g'le [no, you're too fragile]."  He said.  You shook your head.

"Berwald, I c-can take care of myself."  You said, getting the vacuum back from him, already beginning to walk back to the living room to finish vacuuming under the carpet.

"I'm telling y-you nothing will-"  You were cut off by you tripping on a piece of rug that caught your foot, making you fall and hit the ground where you heard a crack and looked down, gulping when you saw you had twisted your ankle.

"..."  Berwald remained silent as he gently lifted you up and put you on the couch, the look on his face telling you to sit and stay.

"..."  You sighed, remaining on the couch as Berwald went off to get you some ice for your ankle.

'All I wanted to do was clean today...'  You thought to yourself.


Eventually, an actual cure was found, turning everyone who had become a zombie normal, and this time didn't make anyone who was not infected a zombie, allowing the world to go back to it's usual state of affairs.

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