What Did You Do?

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A/N:  I'm back!  3 straight months of hell are over for me!  No more constant exams and projects!  And I managed to scrap enough good grades to help me out where it counted!

And this whole lot of hell further convinced me to hate people, especially ones that;

1)  Don't let me sleep -> Roommate literally from hell.  They would set their alarm to go off at 7 am every morning, would hit snooze and the alarm would go off every hour/half hour/15 min/10 min/5 min for 5-6 hours straight, even though it would be a weekend or that roommate did not have class that day and therefore had no reason to wake up early.

2)  Don't do their share of the work till it is nearly time to pass it in (and I mean like 3 hours before something is due) and make excuses for not doing it sooner when I knew for a fact they could.

3)  People who think they aren't able to do their part of a group project when they are perfectly able to and are just too lazy.

4)  People who don't think about the burden they are putting on their partners because the partners mentioned in #2 definitely cost me some much needed points for a class that I just barely ended up passing with an acceptable grade (had to do higher than a C).

5)  People who say they want to help you but then say they can't and blame it on you (was not in the best emotional/mental/physical state 2 1/2 months in on this death march of work and sought help -> worst decision ever and the biggest waste of an hour I ever experienced).

6)  Teachers who don't teach and basically blame everyone else for a low class average except themselves

7)  (Talking about the same teacher) Treats the students who attend class and work hard like we are the ones who skip and don't do sh*t.  And lectures us about how bad we are, every morning when we wake up for his 8 am class.

8)  (Still same a**hole teacher) Makes unfair exam questions based on things that he mentioned only once in class, for 5 minutes, and deliberately said we don't need to know for the class in general (so why the f*** was it on the exam?!)

Anyways, point is I am back (still p*ssed at these people but back), I have recovered enough to where I'm feeling mostly back to my old self, especially now that I have time to do things other than study and do school work.  So I'll try to begin updating all the books on a regular basis (every ~2-3 weeks)

Requested by I gave Konoha control of my account


You were at home, while your fiance was supposed to be at a meeting.  Note the words "supposed to be."

The question now running through your head after receiving a phone call is this;

"What the heck did he do to get himself in prison?"

A/N:  And I did do my research and most of these (except 1) were all based on real reasons why real people were arrested.

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