Everything has a price

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*Hi guys, please read the revised later half of 姐妹 before continuing with this chapter. Otherwise you'd be lost! :D Love Vardin*

I wished the earth would open up and swallow me whole. Please, please God, let me be anywhere but here, I pleaded for a miracle that would not happen. My heartbeat hammered against my ribs at an erratic tempo, blood draining from my face. Ethan was fast approaching. Supple and agile, like a sleek lion, while I a weakened gazelle, could only await my impending doom, fascinated and hapless.

What was I going to say to him? And would he say anything to me?

The November chill had descended, enveloping all in her hiemal embrace. Ethan, clad in a jacket and jogging pants, ran through the whirling pattern of burnished gold and red created from the fallen leaves billowing around him. A rare surprised look appeared on his face when he finally saw me.

His eyes scanned my injury, lingered before shifting upwards to meet mine head-on. I read nothing in his gaze. His footsteps did not falter, his paces were sure and even.

I felt a strange stillness as he ran past me. My eyes widened but everything else paused, as if frozen in time. Then the moment passed, he was gone and everything started moving again. Including my heart, which shattered into millions of jagged shards.


Resting my ear against the kitchen door, I strained to decipher my parents' faint voices.

"How can we inculcate the right attitude in her if we don't allow her to take part in the competition because of a minor obstacle?" 

"Richard, a strained hamstring is no minor obstacle. Besides we both agree that she has better uses for her time than cheerleading."

"I concur with you on that..." Oh no, Dad was faltering. I pressed my palms together in deep prayer. Please don't turn on me, Dad. "But they have come a long way already in the competition. I'd rather let her fail there than just give up now."

"And her academic record has improved tremendously. You remember her teachers' comments last week at the parent-teacher conference. For me, as long as she can keep up her school work, and cheerleading keeps her fit and healthy, I am willing to let her continue. She can rest her injury after the competition during Thanksgiving."

"Fine. I was already rethinking my stance after my chat with Mrs Carter earlier today. She said Mai may become the new captain after the State competition. A leadership role looks good on her admission at the U." I made a face. I wasn't about to study at the university in our town, Ivy League or not, and become Igor II. "Nonetheless, I will tell Mai that there will be consequences and conditions to my agreeing. She still has much to catch up on for her college admissions. Mrs Langdon was telling me that her Stella took up charity work during the holidays. Is there any Christmas charity drive at the U that she can help out at?"

Argh. Mom. WTF.

I was sick of listening to her crap. Besides I ached in all places, including my heart which had a massive gaping hole now. Turning, I limped up the stairs to my room. Only the blackmailer was standing at the stair landing, arms crossed, pinning me with an impenetrable stare.

"Move you cow, before I kick you down the stairs."

I had zero tolerance for Qin. She had destroyed whatever I had with Ethan. I blamed her for his nonchalance and indifference. I blamed her for his ignoring my pain. I blamed her for my crying into the pillow at night.

She acted as if I hadn't said anything. Planting herself in my way, she said, "We will go next Tuesday afternoon. I will pick you up after school."

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