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It was all white. It was so cold. I felt a stinging in my stomach. I looked down and saw that I could see myself. The stinging started getting to the point where it was agonizing. I placed my hands on my mark and when my skin touched said thing, it started feeling as if that part of my body was being ripped out. I let out a cry of misery and I fell to the ground.

When It ended, I felt numb. I could hear my heartbeat pounding in my ears. I felt . . . empty. "Lucy" said a angelic voice. I know that voice anywhere. "Angiel?". I mustered the power to look up at the white dragon. I curled my lips in a small smile, even though the action hurt. It was so nice to see her again. "What happened?" I asked in a shaky voice. "Why is everything white?".

She gave me a sad smile. "Well, you're unconscious. That's why everything is like this." I managed to stand and look at her. She started glowing white, as if the white around us wasn't enough.  When it died down, I gasped. Standing there, in the place of the large dragon was a pale woman.

She was so beautiful, I couldn't even explain it in words. I'm not sure there is a word that could explain her. She had beautiful wavy white hair turning into grey at the tips that fell over her shoulders. She had a white silk dress covering her pale body. She was barefoot. Her eyes were also all white, no iris.

She smiled. "Enough gaping at me. We have something to talk about." She snapped her fingers and two chairs appeared and we took our seats. 

Of course, I was completely mystified. I had so many questions. We both sat down. "So Lucy, remember when you first met me?" She asked.

Of course. When Levy was taken away. When I asked for magic. Wait . . . magic? "You were looking for magic. I gave you magic, but you haven't tried it yet and when you were panicking, it bursted from you and your friend Rogue." I nodded. "You were so overwhelmed that you fainted, and now we are here." She gestures to the whiteness around us. 

What does my power have to do with anything? "See Lucy, your power is different. Since it is something everyone needs, you can do things to their minds." Like manipulating them? "You can make them forget, and remember things that arn't true."

I knew what she was getting at. I could make them forget about the rumor. I nodded, still speechless. "But there's a catch," She said. "You'll get weak after each time you use it on about 50 people." 

"If you use it on about . . . 1,000 people, there's a high chance you may die." My eyes widened. I can die? "I just wanted you to know that. Now, you have to remember - wh - y." What? I saw her fading in and out, as if she were a glitch.

"What?!" I shouted, Her voice was getting smaller. I couldn't understand a thing she said. "You have to remember!" She shouted, then disappeared. I sat there, my arm reaching out.

After a minute or two. I sat back into the chair and stared at my hand. "Remember what?" I clenched it, and closed my eyes. I need to remember.

But I forgot.


Hey guys! :L sorry it's so short. I wanted to upload as soon as I could. So please don't yell at me XC i'll try to make the next one as large as I can :) See you next chapter xoxo

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