Ill Met By Moonlight

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This is a Skyrim fanfiction. c: It's a quest you do. So...yeah. Enjoy.

As the feline Thane was cuffed by the guards, he was dragged within the threshold of the barracks. The guards of Falkreath stopped and turned their heads to a barred room, which had water and a drain in the middle. There were stairs leading up to the bars. The cat looked up, his red eyes were drew to a young man who was imprisoned within the barred room. He had his head hung, almost in shame, so he was unable to view the man's face. The man had thick black locks, had a muscular form, and torn trousers. Nothing more. The Thane frowned. What was he doing in such a large cage? Why was he imprisoned? What did he do? There were questions the cat wanted answered.

The Dragonborn was changed into Roughskin clothing, and ragged boots. He was locked inside his cell, which was not far from the near naked man. The cat raised his bare hands. When a guard drew near, he swung a fist to his helmet, knocking it off and covering his mouth. He picked the key from the guard and slit the man's throat with a sharp claw. He dropped the body and unlocked the door. He carefully trudged out, sneaking to a chest. Inside the chest was all his belongings. Next to it sat another chest which contained the goods that he had 'stolen'. He picked the stolen goods chest and retrieved everything he could along with his gear. He put on his Thieves Guild armor. He equipped his Dwarven Sword and Steel Arrows, along with his trusty Banded Iron Shield. He walked to the barred room, in curiosity.

All-in-all, he was quite surprised the guards of Falkreath had not spotted him escaping; he considered himself lucky. He stopped at the bars, and the man looked up. He stood slowly and approached the Thane. He stopped and then looked down. "...Come to gawk at the beast, have you?" He questioned.

The cat shook his head. "What do you mean?"

"I did something...something terrible...something that proves I belong in here..."

The Thane tilted his head. "What did you do?"

"I...killed someone...a little girl...she...she was so...innocent..." He gazed up at the Khajiit's shadowed face.

"You killed someone?"

"Yes...and there is one clear explanation for it is quite a story. Would you like to hear my plea?"

The Khajiit, hesitated, but nodded slowly.

"Well, then...let me begin..."

What do you guys think? c: Do you like it? Feedback will be greatly apprieciated! ~SuperDarkMajora~

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