Bloated Man's Grotto

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It was hazy, and dark inside Bloated Man's Grotto. The sky was a dark red, the moon was tinted. The Thane approached a campfire, only to see two bodies laying beside it, one lifeless and one struggling to breathe.

He ran over to the one that was alive.

"..H-have you do H-Hircine's...deed?" It choked. It looked like another Khajiit, just in steel armour.

The Thane nodded. "Yes. What happened to you?" He gazed up and saw a thick trail of blood that had drawn a path further into the forest. He cringed and looked back down at the injured Khajiit.

"T-Too strong...mauled by...the beast...m-my already d-down..." The Khajiit grabbed the Thane's hand.

"You! Y-you must kill it! Do H-H-Hircine's d-deed! Do not s-spare his life! M-Make H-Hircine...p-proud..." With that, the Khajiit passed, and his hands slipped from the Thane's.

The Dragonborn snarled. "How could he do this...I don't care that he can't control it. This is wrong...killing innocent own kin..." He clenched his fists and strolled in the direction of the blood.

There. On a tall rock, stood the beast. Fresh blood hung from it's lips and claws, the liquid had splattered over it's chest. It's eyes were a bright lime green. It growled softly.

"...Never thought I'd see you again."

The Thane drew his sword.

"Are you here because of Hircine?"

"Yes. I'm here to end your tyranny and murderous ways. Hircine has ordered me to kill you."

"...So be it. I deserve it nonetheless. After what I did to that little girl...but, if you spare me, I can prove to be a very powerful ally. What do you say?"

The Thane stopped and thought. Maybe sparing him was the right thing. But betraying a god brought extreme bad luck.

The Thane sheathed his sword and created a fake smile. "Yes...I'll spare your life." He lied.

He hoped his lie would fall into place.

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