The Story Of Sindig

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"It started when I was out here." The man began. "I was offered work at the mill, and I thought it was good outlet to distract me tore through me...raged like anger I never handled before...that little girl...helpless prey, and then I..." He looked down. "...that horrific event...has put me where I belong. I belong behind bars." He muttered. "Even now, I can feel the animal...raging inside of me, desperate to get out. To achieve it's goal, it's freedom." He slipped off an Amethyst ring. "This...I was given this by a man in Whiterun. Told me it would control my transformation."


" may of heard of those that are under the influence of the moon. I am one of them. A werewolf. A bloodthirsty monster."

"Why did you kill that little girl? Is there any way to cure your curse?"

Sindig shook his head. "I was out here...hunting for a white beast. It is send in legends that if you kill this creature...Hircine forgives you for your sins. He gives" He handed the ring to the Thane through the bars. "Here. Take it. I don't want anything to do with this anymore..."

The cat took it and slipped it on.

"Whatever you do...don't join the Companions. They're werewolves too...they're the protectors of Whiterun. Stay away from them."

"I'll return the ring to Hircine. Don't worry." The Dragonborn reassured.

"Ah...thank you..." Sindig smiled. "Well...I have a feeling that this isn't the last time I'll see you. Be careful. I'm...dangerous at night..." He walked back to the middle of his cell. He looked up and began the horrific morphing process into a werewolf.

Bones cracked. Joints clicked. Groans in pain erupted. Loud screams occurred once the transformation was complete. The beast roared furiously, latching it's claws to the wall and climbed swiftly up - and out the top of the barracks.

The werewolf - A WEREWOLF - had escaped. And the only thing the Khajiit could do, was to fulfil the beast's quest an return the ring to Hircine.

Ill Met By Moonlight (A Skyrim Daedric Quest Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now