Hircine's Ring

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Unlike before, the Khajiit felt alone. Forgotten in the open world. Sindig, the werewolf that escaped Falkreath, had told him to search the forests surrounding the village, as that was what it said in the legend.

It took a few hours to climb a bit of mountain slope to view over the forest. Then, a glistening white sparkle erupted from the forest.

The Dragonborn looked closer. Te beast appeared to be an ordinary Elk - but it's fur was a beautiful white colour. The hero slowly clambered down and drew his sword.

Attempting to approach it from behind slowly went rock bottom.

Once catching up with it, he drove his sword straight through the deer's head - the dark blood splattered upwards in the direction the blade pointed. He withdrew it and dropped the beast.

Stepping back and sheathing his sword, he watched as a ghost rose from the body.

"Ah, your hunting skills are very...sharp..." It smirked. "I could use someone like you..."

"...Who are you?"

"That petty werewolf spoke of me - I am Hircine."

The Khajiit stepped back, slipping off the ring.

"Ah...you carry my ring...thank you for retrieving it." Hircine took it from the Khajiit.

"In return, I'd like you to do something for me...you'll benefit, I promise."

The cat tilted his head. "What's the catch?"

"The catch...there is no catch. What if I told you that if you 'skin the beast', you'll get a very valuable piece of apparel."

"What do I have to do?"

"That werewolf has fled into the depth's of Bloated Man's Grotto. I want you to get rid of that beast. Kill him. And I'll give you a reward."

The Thane nodded. "I'll do it."

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